Autor: Ján Lacika
Vydavateľstvo: IKAR 2015
EAN: 9788055143491
According to legend, the Tatras' creation stemmed from God’s longing for beauty. On the seventh day of creation God sent one of his angels forth to scatter handfuls of it across the freshly created world.
čítať viacSlobodová Nováková Katarína
Vydavateľstvo IB Vysoké Tatry, s.r.o. 2024 10,80 €According to legend, the Tatras' creation stemmed from God’s longing for beauty. On the seventh day of creation God sent one of his angels forth to scatter handfuls of it across the freshly created world. As the angel was soaring across the Earth, he snagged his wing on a high granite mountain peak; this collision not only caused the peak to bend but it tore his bag, thus spilling all the splendor contained within across the mountainous wilderness. The crooked peak which caused the divine accident was christened Kriváň and the mountain range it belongs to was named the Tatras. Let's discover the engaging beauty of these Carpathian mountains, which are rightfully considered to be one of Europe’s greatest natural gems. This book is sure to wet your appetite enough for you to want to visit and be marveled by it's beauty with your own eyes. You are always welcome in the hospitable Tatras.Podľa legendy Tatry vznikli z Božej túžby po kráse. V siedmy deň stvorenia sveta Boh vyslal jedného zo svojich anjelov, aby nabral do vreca priehrštie krás a dotvoril nimi novučičký svet. Nebeskému letcovi sa do cesty postavilo vysoké horstvo a on krídlom zavadil o krajný žulový končiar a skrivil ho. Vrece sa roztrhlo a jeho krásny obsah popadal dolu do horskej pustatiny. Skrivený vrch, ktorý zapríčinil nebeskú nehodu, dostal meno Kriváň a pohorie, ktorého je veľkou okrasou, ľudia nazvali Tatry. Poďme spolu objavovať podmanivú krásu karpatského horstva, ktoré je právom považované za jeden z najväčších prírodných skvostov Európy. Táto kniha vás určite navnadí spoznávať ho na vlastné oči. V pohostinných Tatrách ste vždy vítaní.