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Private Views: A High-Rise Panorama of Manhattan

Private Views: A High-Rise Panorama of Manhattan

Autor: Andi Schmied
Vydavateľstvo: VI PER Gallery, Prague 2021
EAN: 9788027091256

All of us want to see Manhattan from above, but very few can do it from their own living room. Private Views is here to satisfy our incessant curiosity about a hidden elite world that we can only observe from outside, or occasionally, from an overpriced viewing point crowded with tourists.

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Viac o knihe

All of us want to see Manhattan from above, but very few can do it from their own living room. Private Views is here to satisfy our incessant curiosity about a hidden elite world that we can only observe from outside, or occasionally, from an overpriced viewing point crowded with tourists.

While posing as an apartment-hunting Hungarian billionaire, Andi Schmied accessed and documented Manhattans most exclusive high-rise properties. For the duration of the project, she inhabited a fictional persona: Gabriella, a mother of one whose husband is an antique dealer. Dressing as Gabriella and acting as Gabriella, she prepared for the familys upcoming move to Manhattan by searching through listings of premium real estate agencies and requesting to view some of their most splendid properties. The book guides its readers through the sunset from Trump World Tower and dawn over Central Park from the private ballroom of the tallest residential tower on Earth, showcasing samples of the worlds most luxurious materials, such as the Calacatta Tucci marble used in bathrooms overlooking the Empire State Building.

Andi Schmied is a visual artist and architect based in Budapest, Hungary. The focus of her installations, videos and printed work is the architectural framing of social space. She uncovers unexpected human behaviors and urban anomaliesplaces that, for one reason or another, do not follow conventional logic, yet remain part of our cityscape. These vary from areas that have deviated far from their originally planned function (Jing Jin City), utopian architectures (Noguchi Town), or spaces of privilege (Private Views). Schmied graduated from the Bartlett School of Architecture in London and her work, among other places, has been shown in London (Daniel Blau Gallery, Schwartz Gallery, The White Building), Southampton (John Hansard Gallery), Sapporo (Salon Cojica, HUG Gallery), Beijing (Design Week), Rotterdam (International Architecture Biennale), Budapest (Trafó, Trapéz, OFF Biennale, Kunsthalle). She has been artist-in-resident at S-AIR, Sapporo (Japan), Triangle Arts, New York (U.S.), DordtYart, Dordrecht (Netherlands), Meetfactory, Prague (Czech Republic), Outpost, Norwich (UK), and MuseumQartier, Vienna (Austria).

Edited by Irena Lehkoživová, Barbora Špičáková
With contributions by Sara Emilia Bernat, f-architecture, Irena Lehkoživová, Ava Lynam, Peter Noever, Andi Schmied, Jack Self, Michael Sorkin, Samuel Stein, Barbora Špičáková, Anthony Vidler, Sharon Zukin
Graphic design: Tereza Hejmová

Prinášame vám jedinečnú publikáciu pre milovníkov architektúry, ktorá je ideálnym reprezentačným a exkluzívnym darčekom.

Kniha s názvom Private Views: A High-Rise Panorama of Manhattan je projektom architektky a umelkyne Andi Schmied. Prezentuje výhľady z 25 najluxusnejších obytných mrakodrapov na Manhattane, ktoré Schmied dokumentovala, keď sa v New Yorku falošne (a úspešne) vydávala za maďarskú miliardárku kupujúcu byt.

Napriek ikonickej povahe panorámy Manhattanu existujú iba štyri miesta, odkiaľ môže tento pohľad zažiť verejnosť. Aj to až po zaplatení vstupného: Empire State Building, Rockefeller center, ONE World Trade Center a Edge na Hudson Yards.

Všetky ostatné pohľady z výšky sú súkromným privilégiom majiteľov tých najluxusnejších bytov.

Andi Schmied v knihe ponúka pohľad do tohto elitného sveta, predstavuje surrealistické presviedčacie stratégie realitných maklérov a umožňuje čitateľom obísť vrátnikov týchto luxusných nehnuteľností.

Čitateľ uvidí západ slnka z Trump Tower, výhľad zo súkromného klubu najvyššej obytnej stavby na planéte a ukážky tých najluxusnejších materiálov, ako je sibírsky mramor používaný v kúpeľniach s výhľadom na Sochu slobody.

Kniha je rozdelená do štyroch hlavných sekcií: rozhovory s autorkou a jej alter egom, fiktívnou miliardárkou Gabriellou, fotografie nehnuteľností a prepis dialógov s realitnými agentmi, informatívne texty o svete luxusných nehnuteľností a autorské eseje. Texty sa zaoberajú okrem iného históriou výhľadov, problematikou tieňov, ktoré tieto budovy vrhajú či vybavením bytov a ich aranžovaním na účely predaja.

ISBN 978-80-270-9125-6
JAZYK anglický
VÄZBA tvrdá
ROZMER 315 × 235 mm

Ďalšie tituly od autora Andi Schmied

Private Views: A High-Rise Panorama of Manhattan

Private Views: A High-Rise Panorama of Manhattan

Andi Schmied

72,25 € VI PER Gallery, Prague 2021