
Tentoraz je to skutočné

Tentoraz je to skutočné

Ann Liang - Metafora 2024, EAN: 9788080908430

Sedemnásťročná Eliza Linová nie je napohľad ničím výnimočná, no má jedinečný dar. Vie skvele písať. Keď sa jedna z jej školských esejí o romantickom vzťahu s jej životnou láskou nečakane stane virálnou, celý jej život sa zo dňa na deň zmení.

15,63 € Detail
I Hope This Doesn't Find You

I Hope This Doesn't Find You

Ann Liang - SCHOLASTIC , EAN: 9780702324321

Sadie doesn't have to hold back in her email drafts because nobody will ever read them ... that is, until someone sends them out. Seventeen-year-old Sadie Wen is perfect on paper.It’s a reputation she’s fought hard to earn at the highly prestigious Woodvale Academy, and one she’s determined to maintain until graduation.

11,40 € Detail