Velkolepost Dne D ohromila i samotného Stalina. "V dějinách válek dosud nikdo nic takového nevykonal," napsal Churchillovi. Účastníci velké invaze přes Kanál - vojáci, námořníci nebo letci - na ten pohled nikdy nezapomněli. Stejně jako němečtí obránci, kteří se o útoku na Normandii dozvěděli až v poslední chvíli.
Between 1917 and 1921 a devastating struggle took place in Russia following the collapse of the Tsarist empire. Many regard this savage civil war as the most influential event of the modern era. An incompatible White alliance of moderate socialists and reactionary monarchists stood little chance against Trotsky's Red Army and Lenin's single-minded Communist dictatorship.
The Red Army had much to avenge when it finally reached the frontiers of the Reich in January 1945. Political instructors rammed home the message of Wehrmacht and SS brutality. The result was the most terrifying example of fire and sword ever known, with
The great airborne battle for the bridges in 1944 by Britain's Number One bestselling historian On 17 September 1944, General Kurt Student, the founder of Nazi Germany's parachute forces, heard the growing roar of aeroplane engines.
Beevor's biggest book yet - The dramatic story of Russia's revolution and civil war, from Antony Beevor, the bestselling historian and author of the classic Stalingrad.