

Better English Grammar Improve Your Written and Spoken English

Better English Grammar Improve Your Written and Spoken English

Betty Kirkpatrick - Geddes & Grosset , EAN: 9781842057582

Painfree Better English Grammar aims to help you improve your written and spoken English through understanding the structure of the English language. This is a thorough, useful book with all parts of speech and grammar and using the exercises and answers will help you to feel more confident. Used by ELT self-study students.

5,99 € Detail
Better English Usage: Express Yourself Clearly

Better English Usage: Express Yourself Clearly

Betty Kirkpatrick - Geddes & Grosset , EAN: 9781842057605

Useful to both students of Standard English in schools and colleges as well as learners of English as a foreign language. This book explains common mistakes in English and how to correct your use of the language. Useful to both students of Standard English in schools and colleges as well as learners of English as a foreign language. This book explains English in contemporary use.

5,99 € Detail
The New Choice Primary Dictionary

The New Choice Primary Dictionary

Betty Kirkpatrick - Geddes & Grosset , EAN: 9781910965306

This Primary Dictionary, for readers aged 7-11, has comprehensive vocabulary coverage. It is easy to use and accessible for children. It features over 8,000 entries with clear, concise definitions in alphabetical order, with simple, easy-to-read numbered meanings, and new definitions clearly indicated on a new line.

11,03 € Detail
Webster's Shape Up Your English

Webster's Shape Up Your English

Betty Kirkpatrick - Geddes & Grosset , EAN: 9781910965382

For competent readers and speakers of English (level B1/B2), thisbook aims to help take an understanding of written and spokenEnglish a few steps further, to help readers to speak idiomatic Englishfluently and comfortably, and to encourage a practical approach tomastering written English.In order to present yourself well, it is important to have a competentgrasp of 'good English'.

14,71 € Detail