Pestrý jídelníček prospívá každému — lidem i ekonomikám. Chod státu, společnosti i našich životů do velké míry určuje ekonomika: hladina inflace, úrokové sazby, měnová politika a tak dále. Podle čeho se však řídí samotné hospodářství a všechny jeho dimenze?
It's rare that a book appears with a fresh perspective on world affairs, but renowned economist Ha-Joon Chang has some startlingly original things to say about the future of globalization.
RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK Economic thinking - about globalisation, climate change, immigration, austerity, automation and much more - in its most digestible formFor decades, a single free market philosophy has dominated global economics. But this is bland and unhealthy - like British food in the 1980s, when bestselling author and economist Ha-Joon Chang first arrived in the UK from South Korea.