
PB3 and Coco the Clown

PB3 and Coco the Clown (Young ELI readers)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2011, EAN: 9788853606242

How PB3 and Robin help to save a life and a love! PB3 and his robot are excited to find themselves in a circus! Elephants and jugglers and an acrobat and a clown! They go with Sally to have tea in Coco the clown’s motorhome, visit the circus school and finally the big top. Little did they suspect that the excitement is just about to begin!

5,40 € Detail
Harry and the Sports Competition

Harry and the Sports Competition (Young ELI readers)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2011, EAN: 9788853606303

Harry is the very last person to volunteer for a sport competiton! In this story our reluctant hero braves golf and volleyball to come out tops (to everyone’s surprise!

8,90 € Detail
Abvelita  Anitay y el balón - Nivel 1

Abvelita Anitay y el balón - Nivel 1

Jane Cadwallader - ELI 2010, EAN: 9788853605313

NIVEL 1  -  100 palabras  - Sub - A1

8,90 € Detail
Henri a un probléme électrique - Niveau 4

Henri a un probléme électrique - Niveau 4

Jane Cadwallader - ELI 2010, EAN: 9788853605283

NIVEAU 4  -  400 mots  -  A2

8,90 € Detail
Abuelita Anita y el Pirata

Abuelita Anita y el Pirata (Lectures ELI Infantiles Y Juveniles)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2010, EAN: 9788853605320

Esta es una historia sobre Abuelita Anita y el pirata Barbalarga, muy triste porque no tiene sombrero, ni papagayo ni cofre del tesoro.

5,40 € Detail
Tío Manuel en la Antártida

Tío Manuel en la Antártida (Lectures ELI Infantiles Y Juveniles)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2010, EAN: 9788853605368

ˇVen, vamos a vivir una aventura en la Antártida! Los pingüinos emperador no pueden ir a poner los huevos. ˇTío Manuel les ayuda! Temas: - Aventura - El mundo animal - Salvar la naturaleza - Juegos y actividades lingüísticas - Una grabación de la historia y de la canción - Un diccionario ilustrado ˇVen, vamos a vivir una aventura en la Antártida!

5,40 € Detail
Mamie Pétronille et le ballon

Mamie Pétronille et le ballon (ELI lectures poussins)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2010, EAN: 9788853605207

Une histoire hilarante avec une mamie comme on n’en fait plus !

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Mamie Pétronille et le pirate

Mamie Pétronille et le pirate (ELI lectures poussins)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2010, EAN: 9788853605214

Une histoire hilarante avec une mamie comme ou n’en fait plus !

5,40 € Detail
PB3 et les légumes

PB3 et les légumes (ELI lectures poussins)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2010, EAN: 9788853605221

Le courage et l’amitié sont toujours vainqueurs !

5,40 € Detail
PB3 y las verduras

PB3 y las verduras

Jane Cadwallader - ELI PUBLISHING 2010, EAN: 9788853605337

"Mimozemské dobrodružstvo, ktoré prekvapí nespratníka. Mimozemšťan PB3 a jeho robot Robin chcú pozemské ovocie a zeleninu. Pomáha im nový priateľ Guille, pričom zistí, že zelená vesmírna hmota mu môže pomôcť proti nespratnému chlapcovi v škole." CEFR level: A1

5,40 € Detail
PB3 y la chaqueta

PB3 y la chaqueta

Jane Cadwallader - ELI PUBLISHING 2010, EAN: 9788853605344

Vesmírna loď sa objaví na oblohe a všetci sa boja. Kto to je? Čo chcú? Zažite úžasné dobrodružstvo s priateľským mimozemšťanom a jeho robotom!

5,40 € Detail
Henri et la couronne

Henri et la couronne

Jane Cadwallader - ELI PUBLISHING 2010, EAN: 9788853605276

"Keď je na blízku Henri, prekvapenie a napätie na seba nikdy nenechajú dlho čakať. Príbeh nás zoznámi s Henrim, veľkými hrdinami, zlodejmi a duchmi. Kto nakoniec uspeje?

5,40 € Detail
PB3 et la veste de Chloé

PB3 et la veste de Chloé

Jane Cadwallader - ELI PUBLISHING 2010, EAN: 9788853605238

"Odvaha a priateľstvo vždy zvíťazí! Pekný príbeh o mimozemšťanovi a jeho robotovi. Keď priletí raketoplán, všetci majú obavy. Čo sa stane? Kto sa nebojí? Dve deti, Chloe a Arnaud, stretnú PB3 a jeho robota Martina. Spolu čelia darebákom OO, ktorí prišli z planéty X011, a zistia ich hrozný plán. Podarí sa im zastaviť ich?" CEFR level: A1

5,40 € Detail
Granny Fixit and the Ball

Granny Fixit and the Ball (Young ELI readers)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2009, EAN: 9788853604217

‘The small dog has the football! The small dog has the football!

5,40 € Detail
PB3 and the Jacket

PB3 and the Jacket (Young ELI readers)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2009, EAN: 9788853604248

‘These are animals from a farm. A pig goes oink and a sheep goes baa. There’s a chicken and a duck and a horse of course. And a sad little goat with a curly coat.

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Harry and the Crown

Harry and the Crown (Young ELI readers)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2009, EAN: 9788853604286

‘Put your elbows up stamp your feet on the ground make circles with your shoulders and turn around do the Armour Jive and count to five 1 2 3 4 5 HEY!

5,40 € Detail
Harry and an Electrical Problem

Harry and an Electrical Problem (Young ELI readers)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2009, EAN: 9788853604293

‘When you have a problem and you don’t know what to do. Just stop a moment and look around you. You might think your problem is as big as a house. But in fact it might be as small as a ... MOUSE!

5,40 € Detail
Tonton Jean et les suricates

Tonton Jean et les suricates

Jane Cadwallader - ELI PUBLISHING , EAN: 9788853606280

"Strýko Jean a jeho synovci idú do Afriky, kde chcú vypustiť malé surikaty. Strýko Jean sa so synovcami rozhodnú vypustiť mláďatá surikat a vrátiť ich tak do prirodzeného prostredia. Stretnú však mužov, ktorí chcú mláďatá pochytať. Ako sa to všetko skončí?" CEFR level: A1.1

5,40 € Detail
Granny Fixit and the Pirate

Granny Fixit and the Pirate (Young ELI readers)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA , EAN: 9788853604224

‘Look at the parrots!

5,40 € Detail
PB3 and the Vegetables

PB3 and the Vegetables (Young ELI readers)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA , EAN: 9788853604231

‘They don’t have apples Potatoes or beans Or even a pea. They don’t have pears. They don’t have grapes. Poor Robin and PB3!

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