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Kati Marton - IKAR 2022, EAN: 9788055184074

Angela Merkelová bola odjakživa outsiderka. Ako dcéra kňaza vyrastala v Sovietmi okupovanom východnom Nemecku, v mladosti pracovala ako chemická výskumníčka a do politiky vstúpila až po páde Berlínskeho múru. A predsa sa o pätnásť rokov stala nemeckou kancelárkou a čoskoro aj neoficiálnou vodkyňou západného sveta.

17,01 € Detail
The Chancellor : The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel

The Chancellor : The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel

Kati Marton - WILLIAM COLLINS 2021, EAN: 9780008499464

'An intimate, insightful portrait of an extraordinarily private leader' WALTER ISAACSON From the bestselling author of Enemies of the People An intimate and deeply researched account of the extraordinary rise and political brilliance of the most powerful - and elusive - woman in the world. Angela Merkel has always been an outsider.

18,50 € Detail
The Chancellor : The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel
Novinka anglický

The Chancellor : The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel

Kati Marton - HarperCollins Publishers , EAN: 9780008499457

'An intimate, insightful portrait of an extraordinarily private leader' WALTER ISAACSON From the bestselling author of Enemies of the People An intimate and deeply researched account of the extraordinary rise and political brilliance of the most powerful - and elusive - woman in the world. Angela Merkel has always been an outsider.

31,50 € Detail