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Urob totálny chaos!

Urob totálny chaos!

Keri Smith - YOLI 2016, EAN: 9788055147659

6,21 € Detail
Odviaž sa! Kdekoľvek!

Odviaž sa! Kdekoľvek!

Keri Smith - YOLI 2015, EAN: 9788055144825

Kde sa odviažeš? po ceste do školy/práce pri cestovaní na výletoch keď sa len tak flákaš po ceste do obchodu počas vyučovania (vŕŕŕ) na turistike na bicykli v prostriedkoch verejnej hromadnej dopravy vo vlaku/v lietadle na vrchole hory na brehu jazera na sídlisku na imaginárnom mieste hocikde, kde ti napadne

4,90 € Detail
Odviaž sa! Môj bláznivý zápisník

Odviaž sa! Môj bláznivý zápisník

Keri Smith - YOLI 2014, EAN: 9788055140292

Upozornenie: Keď sa začítaš do tohto zápisníka, možno sa zašpiníš farbou alebo niečím iným. Možno zmokneš. Možno urobíš rozhodnutia, o ktorých v podstate pochybuješ. Možno ti bude ľúto za perfektným stavom zápisníka, v ktorom si ho získal. Možno si všade začneš všímať tvorivú deštrukciu. A možno začneš žiť o čosi bezstarostnejšie.

6,21 € Detail
The Pocket Scavenger

The Pocket Scavenger

Keri Smith - PENGUIN , EAN: 9781846147098

Welcome to the highly inspirational world of Keri Smith. Within the pages of The Pocket Scavenger, readers will be instructed to collect a spectrum of quirky items: something that is miniature, a stain that is green, something from the year you were born, a used envelope, and more.

13,49 € Detail
Wreck This Journal

Wreck This Journal

Keri Smith - PENGUIN , EAN: 9780141976143

This is a new edition of Keri Smith's bestseller, with updated material Think of Wreck. This Journal as the anarchist's Artist's Way - the book for those who've always wanted to draw outside the lines but were afraid to do it.

13,95 € Detail
Wreck This Journal Everywhere

Wreck This Journal Everywhere

Keri Smith - PENGUIN , EAN: 9781846148583

Featuring dozens of new activities as well as some of the most popular prompts from the original, Wreck This Journal Everywhere will have you travelling the city streets and country byways, filling the pages with man-made and natural objects, recording what you see, drawing, doodling - and destroying pages as you go.

12,78 € Detail
Wander Society

Wander Society

Keri Smith - BALLANTINE BOOKS , EAN: 9780143108368

wan.der"verb" \ wan-d r\to walk/explore/amble in an unplanned or aimless way with a complete openness to the unknown Several years ago when Keri Smith, bestselling author of"Wreck This Journal," discovered cryptic handwritten notations in a worn copy of Walt Whitman s"Leaves of Grass," her interest was piqued.

17,95 € Detail
Wander Society

Wander Society

Keri Smith - PENGUIN , EAN: 9780141982304

You are electing to join a secret underground movement. Membership will require you to conduct research on your immediate environment and complete a variety of assignments designed to creatively disrupt your everyday life. This title offers the way to exp

11,88 € Detail
The Line : An Adventure into the Unknown

The Line : An Adventure into the Unknown

Keri Smith - PENGUIN , EAN: 9780141982298

11,40 € Detail
Wreck This Journal: Now in Colour

Wreck This Journal: Now in Colour

Keri Smith - PENGUIN , EAN: 9781846149504

16,95 € Detail