
Život a názory blahorodého Tristrama Shandyho

Život a názory blahorodého Tristrama Shandyho (EUROPA)

Laurence Sterne - Academia 2014, EAN: 9788020023520

Jak a za jakých okolností vyrůstal vypravěč Tristram?

19,55 € Detail
Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy

Laurence Sterne - Penguin Books Ltd , EAN: 9780141199993

Offers a narrative that interweaves the birth and life of the unfortunate 'hero' Tristram Shandy, the eccentric philosophy of his father Walter, the amours and military obsessions of Uncle Toby, and a host of other characters, including Dr Slop, Corporal

16,44 € Detail