
War and Peace

War and Peace

Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj - VINTAGE 2007, EAN: 9781784871949

21,95 € Detail
War and Peace

War and Peace

Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj - Worldworth Classics , EAN: 9781853260629

War and Peace is a vast epic centred on Napoleon's war with Russia. While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters.

5,09 € Detail
Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina

Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj - LEDA , EAN: 9788073352851

Všechny šťastné rodiny jsou si podobné, každá nešťastná rodina je nešťastná po svém.

16,39 € Detail