Pridajte sa k Tomovi Gatesovi aj v siedmom pokračovaní šibnutých dobrodružstiev, srandičiek, čmáraníc a vtipov!
Pridajte sa k Tomovi Gatesovi aj v šiestom pokračovaní jeho najšibnutejších dobrodružstiev, srandičiek, sánkovania a snehových monštier! Konečne prišla poriadna zima, vonku mrzne a Tom sa nevie dočkať bohatej snehovej nádielky. S Derekom chcú postaviť snehuliaka, ktorý bude vyzerať ako Kohút, teda ako Derekov pes Kohút. A možno stihnú aj guľovačku!
Tom Gates nestráca čas! Je späť, a to už s piatym pokračovaním svojich denníkov. Je absolútne úžasný – teda z času na čas. Celá škola je hore nohami, lebo im triedny oznámil, že idú do školy v prírode! Tom sa už nevie dočkať. Len aby neskončil na izbe s Markusom. Delia sa zas vyhráža, že mu vymaľuje izbu krikľavými farbami... No hrôza, des a panika!
Tom Gates sa vracia už so svojou štvrtou knihou šialených príhod. A tentoraz má samé (takmer vždy) dokonalé nápady! A bude ich potrebovať! Prvý raz v živote totiž zazrie Deliu bez jej čiernych slnečných okuliarov. A jeho otec prepadol šialenému fitnes tréningu. Čo je však horšie, chce sa zúčastniť športového dňa v Tomovej škole!
Bláznivý Tom Gates sa vracia v treťom pokračovaní svojich dočarbaných denníkov a zdá sa, že všetko fičí podľa plánu (tak trochu). Zasa sa začala škola, no nie je to až také zlé. Blíži sa športový deň, školský trh a Tomove narodeniny. A čo je ešte lepšie, jeho otrasná sestra Delia sa nechce zúčastniť žiadnej z týchto akcií!
Pass your level 1 music test with Tom Gates! From DogZombies to Dude3, music is a HUGE part of the Tom Gates world. Learn how to play all your favourite songs from the series with REAL notation for: - Guitar - Ukulele - Piano - Recorder And with notation
Tom has created brand new comic *Ants In Pants* to make everyonelaugh. Inspiration is everywhere! There's Mr Keen's unicycle mishapand their NEW supply teacher Miss Jam (whose first name is NOTStrawberry or Traffic). BUT when Tom's comic falls into the wr
The brand new hilarious and fully-illustrated instalment of the bestselling Tom Gates series!
"Seeing Delia without her sunglasses on is a BIG shock, but that's nothing compared with the surprise Dad has in store for me with his new found fitness regime. He says he's going to compete at my Sport's Day. Shame! Meanwhile Derek, Norman and I keep pra
The bestselling fully-illustrated Tom Gates series is back with a new book! This book is VERY important because it contains BISCUITS, BANDS and all my (doodled) plans to make DogZombies the BEST band in the world.
Back to school, but it's not all bad. Sports Day, the school fair and Tom's birthday are all coming up. And even better, his awful big sister Delia won't be at any of those events! On the downside, Granny Mavis is threatening to make his birthday cake - uh oh! But on the other hand, Mr Keen has asked Dogzombies to perform in front of the whole school! YEAH!
This takes the form of Tom's battered homework diary - crammed with his doodles and stories.
This takes the form of Tom's battered homework diary - crammed with his doodles and stories. "Exciting News! Mr Fullerman announces that class 5F are going on an 'Activity Break'!
BRAND NEW, Tom Gates Extra Special Treats (. Not), Liz Pichon, It's really cold outside and we're all hoping it's going to snow. Yeah! Derek and I could make a snow Rooster and have a snowball fight (look out, Delia!). Granny Mavis has started to knit me a new winter jumper, but by the looks of things I'm not sure it's going to fit.
The 20th laugh-out-loud, packed-with-pictures Tom Gates bestseller,now in paperback - Tom wants to raise money for an extra specialtreat, but finds being helpful doesn't make everyone happy...