Les je úžasné místo, které je domovem pro mnoho zvířat a rostlin. Nahlédni a objevuj, kdo se to schovává v klenbě větví a listí, pozoruj, jak mrtvý strom padá v tichém zákoutí lesa, a sleduj neustálý pohyb a život jak na zemi, tak ve vzduchu. Dozvíš se, co se děje pod kameny, kdo se to plíží mezi listy nebo kdo to bydlí v kmeni stromů.
The beautiful pictures in this book are full of wildlife to look out for when you're outdoors. There are birds, butterflies and plants to spot by a river, in the fields or on a city ramble, and pages on the seasons and creatures to look out for after dark
Huge fold-out pages show some of the biggest and most powerful machines ever made, from giant excavators and monster trucks to enormous ships. Children can discover how many people the biggest passenger plane can carry, facts about giant tractors and how