Opravdu chce Brusel zakázat bingo, dudy a slaninové chipsy? A snaží se eurokrati donutit Brity říkat La Manche místo English Channel? A způsobuje inkoust v eurech u mužů impotenci?
Published in the 200th Anniversary year of the Battle of Waterloo a witty look at how the French still think they won, by Stephen Clarke, author of 1000 Years of Annoying the French and A Year in the Merde. Two centuries after the Battle of Waterloo, the French are still in denial. If Napoleon lost on 18 June 1815 (and that's a big 'if'), then whoever rules the universe got it wrong.
Poslechněte si téměř pravdivý a neuvěřitelně vtipný záznam událostí, které se přihodily (nebo nepřihodily) britskému spisovateli a novináři během deseti let, kdy žil ve Francii. Knihu „Merde!
Angličan v Paříži – po prvním roce malérů a několika kulturních šocích se Paul West stále ještě snaží naučit Francouze pít čaj o páté a hledá dál svou „osudovou lásku“. Obojí se však nečekaně komplikuje a Paul začíná mít podezření, že Francouzi doopravdy pocházejí z jiné planety.
Legend has it that, in a few busy weeks in July 1789, a despotic king, his freeloading wife, and a horde of over-privileged aristocrats, were displaced and then humanely dispatched. In the ensuing years, we are told, France was heroically transformed into an idyll of Liberte, Egalite and Fraternite.
Paul West je až po uši ve finančním merde. Jediná cesta, jak z toho ven, je přijmout pochybné místo, projet napříč Amerikou v Mini Cooperu, propagovat svou oddanost královně a reprezentovat tak Británii v soutěži o světovou metropoli turistiky.
One Brit in Brussels. Two French Women. And a whole lot of merde.The hilarious new novel from Stephen Clarke, bestselling author of A Year in the Merde andA Thousand Years of Annoying the French. Does Brussels really want to outlaw bingo, bagpipes and smoky bacon crisps? Are eurocrats trying to rename the English Channel? And can the ink in euro notes really make men impotent?
Englishman Paul West is living the Parisian dream, and doing his best not to annoy the French. But recently things have been going très wrong: His apartment is so small that he has to cut his baguettes in two to fit them in the kitchen. His research into authentic French cuisine is about to cause a national strike.