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Anglická frázová slovesa v akci

Anglická frázová slovesa v akci

Stephen Curtis - INFOA 2019, EAN: 9788075473813

Kniha obsahuje 200 frázových sloves, se kterými se setkáváme v běžné angličtině. Frázová slovesa jsou podrobně vysvětlena a použita v příkladových větách a v krátkých kreslených příbězích.

9,99 € Detail
Borrowed Words in Action 2
Novinka anglický

Borrowed Words in Action 2

Stephen Curtis - SCHOLASTIC 2014, EAN: 9789810906191

9,90 € Detail
Borrowed Words in Action 1
Novinka anglický

Borrowed Words in Action 1

Stephen Curtis - SCHOLASTIC 2014, EAN: 9789810906184

9,90 € Detail
More Idioms in Action 3
Novinka anglický

More Idioms in Action 3

Stephen Curtis - SCHOLASTIC 2013, EAN: 9789814399418

9,90 € Detail
More Idioms in Action 2
Novinka anglický

More Idioms in Action 2

Stephen Curtis - SCHOLASTIC 2013, EAN: 9789814399401

9,90 € Detail
More Idioms in Action 1
Novinka anglický

More Idioms in Action 1

Stephen Curtis - SCHOLASTIC 2013, EAN: 9789814399395

9,90 € Detail
Proverbs in Action 3
Novinka anglický

Proverbs in Action 3

Stephen Curtis - SCHOLASTIC 2013, EAN: 9789814399128

9,90 € Detail
Proverbs in Action 2
Novinka anglický

Proverbs in Action 2

Stephen Curtis - SCHOLASTIC 2013, EAN: 9789814399111

9,90 € Detail
Confusing Words in Action 1

Confusing Words in Action 1

Stephen Curtis - INFOA 2012, EAN: 9789814333689

This series of three books deals with confusing words, for example, 'access' and 'excess', 'waste' and 'wastage'. Each unit explains a pair of confusing words in a clear and concise manner with example sentences. In addition, it contains a short story in pictures that will help learners see how the words are used in context.

9,90 € Detail
Phrasal Verbs in Action 1

Phrasal Verbs in Action 1

Stephen Curtis - INFOA 2012, EAN: 9789814237949

Phrasal verbs are an important part of everyday idiomatic English. This book presents 200 common phrasal verbs in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives vlear explanation to each phrasal verb, followed by concise example sentences.

9,90 € Detail
Phrasal Verbs in Action 2

Phrasal Verbs in Action 2

Stephen Curtis - INFOA 2011, EAN: 9789814237956

Phrasal verbs are an important part of everyday idiomatic English. This book presents 200 common phrasal verbs in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives vlear explanation to each phrasal verb, followed by concise example sentences.

13,70 € Detail
Animal Idioms in Action 1

Animal Idioms in Action 1

Stephen Curtis - INFOA , EAN: 9789814333092

There are lots of colourful animal idioms in English. This book presents 60 common ones in humorous graphics. Written for foreign learners of English, the book gives clear explanation to each idiom, followed by concise example sentences.

9,90 € Detail