
Čarovný oblek Maxa Nixa

Čarovný oblek Maxa Nixa

Sylvia Plath - FACE - Fórum alternatívnej kultúry a vzdelávania 2016, EAN: 9788089763092

Tri príbehy plné energie, vzrušenia a fantázie napísala ikona anglickej literatúry Sylvia Plathová pre svoje deti. Radosť z tvorenia, vrúcnosť, talent a vtip sa preniesli aj do rozprávok, a tak sa Čarovný oblek Maxa Nixa, Kuchyňa pani Čerešničkovej a Báseň o posteliach stali nezabudnuteľným zdrojom potešenia pre veľkých i malých čitateľov.

7,20 € Detail
Crossing the Water

Crossing the Water

Sylvia Plath - FABER & FABER , EAN: 9780571330096

Contains the poems written during the exceptionally creative period of the last years of Sylvia Plath's life. In this book, readers will recognise some of her most celebrated poems - 'Childless Woman', 'Mirror', 'Insomniac' - while discovering those still

15,40 € Detail


Sylvia Plath - FABER & FABER , EAN: 9780571259311

Includes many of the author's best-known poems such as: 'Lady Lazarus', 'Daddy', 'Edge' and 'Paralytic', that were all written between the publication in 1960 of Plath's first book, The Colossus, and her death in 1963.

15,80 € Detail
Letters of Sylvia Plath Vol II

Letters of Sylvia Plath Vol II

Sylvia Plath - FABER & FABER , EAN: 9780571339211

Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) was one of the writers that defined the course of twentieth-century poetry. Alongside a selection of photographs and Plath's own drawings, they masterfully contextualise what the pages disclose. This later correspondence witness

25,95 € Detail