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Veronica Roth - SLOVART 2021, EAN: 9788055653518

Dlhoočakávaná novinka od bestsellerovej autorky sérií Divergencia a Zárezy smrti!

13,16 € Detail
Rázcestia osudu

Rázcestia osudu (Knihy pre mladých)

Veronica Roth - SLOVART 2018, EAN: 9788055637426

Osud ich priviedol k sebe. Teraz ich rozdelí. Akos Kereset a Cyra Noavek žijú v tieni proroctiev, ktoré v okamihu ich narodenia naraz vyslovili všetci jasnovidci. Svojmu predurčenému osudu predsa nik nemôže utiecť. Akos miluje Cyru napriek tomu, že mu bolo určené zomrieť v službách jej rodiny.

13,16 € Detail
Carve the Mark

Carve the Mark

Veronica Roth - Harper Collins UK 2017, EAN: 9780008159498

Veronica Roth's breathtaking fantasy captures an unusual friendship, an epic love story, and a galaxy-sweeping adventure. CYRA and AKOS grew up in enemy countries on a vibrant yet divided planet. Cyra's ability to transfer extraordinary pain with a simple touch makes her a dangerous weapon for her tyrannical brother.

9,24 € Detail
Zárezy smrti

Zárezy smrti (15 + YA)

Veronica Roth - SLOVART 2017, EAN: 9788055625157

Prvý diel novej sci-fi fantasy dilógie od Veroniky Roth, autorky najpopulárnejšej dystopickej série Divergencia - Rezistencia - Experiment. Vo svete, kde panuje násilie a neprávo, v galaxii, v ktorej niektorí nažívajú v priazni osudu, má každý človek špeciálny dar. Kým väčšina dokáže vyťažiť zo svojho daru čo najviac, Akosa a Cyru pre ich dary zneužívajú.

13,16 € Detail
Divergent 1.

Divergent 1.

Veronica Roth - ELI PUBLISHING 2016, EAN: 9780007420421

She turns to the future in a world that’s falling apart The No. 1 New York Times bestseller DIVERGENT – a major motion picture in 2014. For sixteen-year-old Tris, the world changes in a heartbeat when she is forced to make a terrible choice. Turning her back on her family, Tris ventures out, alone, determined to find out where she truly belongs.

15,34 € Detail
Insurgent 2.

Insurgent 2.

Veronica Roth - Harper Collins UK 2016, EAN: 9780007442928

Fighting for survival in a shattered world… the truth is her only hope. The thrillingly dark sequel to No. 1 New York Times bestseller, DIVERGENT. I have done bad things. I can’t take them back, and they are part of who I am. Tris has survived a brutal attack on her former home and family. But she has paid a terrible price.

7,91 € Detail
Four 4.

Four 4.

Veronica Roth - Harper Collins UK 2016, EAN: 9780007550142

Fans of the Divergent series by No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth will be thrilled by Four: A Divergent Collection, a companion volume that includes four pre-Divergent stories told from Tobias Eaton’s point of view. DIVERGENT and INSURGENT were blockbuster movies in 2014 and 2015. Readers first encountered Tobias Eaton as "Four" in Divergent.

10,11 € Detail
Balíček 3 ks Divergencia + Rezistencia + Experiment

Balíček 3 ks Divergencia + Rezistencia + Experiment

Veronica Roth - SLOVART 2015, EAN: 2100004435605

Najpopulárnejšia dystopická séria súčasnosti Divergencia - Rezistencia - Experiment! Siahnite po exkluzívnom sete dystopickej trilógie Divergencia!

19,95 € Detail
Experiment - Séria Divergencia 3. diel

Experiment - Séria Divergencia 3. diel

Veronica Roth - SLOVART 2014, EAN: 9788055608068

Dystopické sci-fi. Najočakávanejšia a najšokujúcejšia kniha roku 2013! Romány Divergencia a Rezistencia vtiahli čitateľov do mrazivo realistického postapokalyptického sveta. Teraz nastal čas zistiť, či to nebol všetko len EXPERIMENT!

11,40 € Detail
Rezistencia - Séria Divergencia 2. diel

Rezistencia - Séria Divergencia 2. diel

Veronica Roth - SLOVART 2012, EAN: 9788055606545

Jedno rozhodnutie ťa môže zmeniť alebo zničiť. Každé rozhodnutie má však svoje dôsledky a po napätí, ktoré vzniklo medzi frakciami, sa Tris Priorová snaží zachrániť seba a tých, ktorých miluje. Zápasí s ničivými otázkami o smútku a odpustení, identite a oddanosti, politike a láske.

11,40 € Detail
Divergencia - Séria Divergencia 1. diel

Divergencia - Séria Divergencia 1. diel

Veronica Roth - SLOVART 2012, EAN: 9788055603001

Chicago, ďaleká budúcnosť. Beatrice Priorová žije v spoločnosti rozdelenej na päť frakcií. Na rozhodovacej ceremónii si všetci šestnásťroční vyberajú frakciu, ktorej zasvätia zvyšok života. Beatrice má len dve možnosti: zostať so svojou rodinou, alebo ju navždy opustiť, aby mohla byť sama sebou. Rozhodnutím napokon prekvapí všetkých vrátane seba.

12,95 € Detail
Allegiant Adult  Divergent Trilogy 3

Allegiant Adult Divergent Trilogy 3

Veronica Roth - Harper Collins Children's Books , EAN: 9780007538027

What if your whole world was a lie? The thrillingly dark conclusion to the No. 1 New York Times bestselling DIVERGENT trilogy, now available in paperback. DIVERGENT – a major motion picture series, INSURGENT movie release in 2015!

9,24 € Detail
Chosen Ones

Chosen Ones

Veronica Roth - HODDER & STOUGHTON , EAN: 9781529330267

The mesmerising adult debut from Veronica Roth, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Divergent. They were the Chosen Ones. Saving the world made them heroes. Saving it again might destroy them.

14,79 € Detail
Divergent Series Box Set Books 1-4 Plus World Of Divergent

Divergent Series Box Set Books 1-4 Plus World Of Divergent

Veronica Roth - Harper Collins Children's Books , EAN: 9780007588503

No. 1 New York Times bestsellers DIVERGENT, INSURGENT and ALLEGIANT plus FOUR – A DIVERGENT COLLECTION and WORLD OF DIVERGENT available as a set for the first time!

40,04 € Detail
Carve The Mark 2 The Fates Divide

Carve The Mark 2 The Fates Divide

Veronica Roth - HarperCollins Publishers , EAN: 9780008192211

In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfill their fates. The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives.

9,24 € Detail
Carve The Mark 2  The Fates Divide

Carve The Mark 2 The Fates Divide

Veronica Roth - HarperCollins Publishers , EAN: 9780008192204

In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfill their fates. The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives.

11,95 € Detail
When Among Crows

When Among Crows

Veronica Roth - TITAN BOOKS , EAN: 9781803363585

An emotionally-charged contemporary fantasy of love, sacrifice and ancient enchantments as Polish folklore thrives in today’s Chicago, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Divergent, Chosen Ones and Arch-Conspirator, with prayed edges or the entire first printing. We bear the sword, and we bear the pain of the sword. Pain is Dymitr’s calling.

17,95 € Detail
Allegiant 10Th Anniversary Edition

Allegiant 10Th Anniversary Edition

Veronica Roth - HarperCollins Publishers , EAN: 9780008468965

The thrilling third book in the internationally bestselling Divergent series that inspired a series of major motion pictures starring Shailene Woodley. This special 10th anniversary edition features exclusive content from Veronica Roth and a beautiful rei

9,24 € Detail
Divergent 10Th Anniversary Edition

Divergent 10Th Anniversary Edition

Veronica Roth - HarperCollins Publishers , EAN: 9780008468941

Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Divergent with a special edition of the internationally bestselling series that inspired a series of major motion pictures starring Shailene Woodley. This edition features exclusive content from Veronica Roth and beautifu

11,40 € Detail