Dlhoočakávaná novinka od bestsellerovej autorky sérií Divergencia a Zárezy smrti!
Osud ich priviedol k sebe. Teraz ich rozdelí. Akos Kereset a Cyra Noavek žijú v tieni proroctiev, ktoré v okamihu ich narodenia naraz vyslovili všetci jasnovidci. Svojmu predurčenému osudu predsa nik nemôže utiecť. Akos miluje Cyru napriek tomu, že mu bolo určené zomrieť v službách jej rodiny.
Veronica Roth's breathtaking fantasy captures an unusual friendship, an epic love story, and a galaxy-sweeping adventure. CYRA and AKOS grew up in enemy countries on a vibrant yet divided planet. Cyra's ability to transfer extraordinary pain with a simple touch makes her a dangerous weapon for her tyrannical brother.
Prvý diel novej sci-fi fantasy dilógie od Veroniky Roth, autorky najpopulárnejšej dystopickej série Divergencia - Rezistencia - Experiment. Vo svete, kde panuje násilie a neprávo, v galaxii, v ktorej niektorí nažívajú v priazni osudu, má každý človek špeciálny dar. Kým väčšina dokáže vyťažiť zo svojho daru čo najviac, Akosa a Cyru pre ich dary zneužívajú.
She turns to the future in a world that’s falling apart The No. 1 New York Times bestseller DIVERGENT – a major motion picture in 2014. For sixteen-year-old Tris, the world changes in a heartbeat when she is forced to make a terrible choice. Turning her back on her family, Tris ventures out, alone, determined to find out where she truly belongs.
Fighting for survival in a shattered world… the truth is her only hope. The thrillingly dark sequel to No. 1 New York Times bestseller, DIVERGENT. I have done bad things. I can’t take them back, and they are part of who I am. Tris has survived a brutal attack on her former home and family. But she has paid a terrible price.
Fans of the Divergent series by No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth will be thrilled by Four: A Divergent Collection, a companion volume that includes four pre-Divergent stories told from Tobias Eaton’s point of view. DIVERGENT and INSURGENT were blockbuster movies in 2014 and 2015. Readers first encountered Tobias Eaton as "Four" in Divergent.
Najpopulárnejšia dystopická séria súčasnosti Divergencia - Rezistencia - Experiment! Siahnite po exkluzívnom sete dystopickej trilógie Divergencia!
Dystopické sci-fi. Najočakávanejšia a najšokujúcejšia kniha roku 2013! Romány Divergencia a Rezistencia vtiahli čitateľov do mrazivo realistického postapokalyptického sveta. Teraz nastal čas zistiť, či to nebol všetko len EXPERIMENT!
Jedno rozhodnutie ťa môže zmeniť alebo zničiť. Každé rozhodnutie má však svoje dôsledky a po napätí, ktoré vzniklo medzi frakciami, sa Tris Priorová snaží zachrániť seba a tých, ktorých miluje. Zápasí s ničivými otázkami o smútku a odpustení, identite a oddanosti, politike a láske.
Chicago, ďaleká budúcnosť. Beatrice Priorová žije v spoločnosti rozdelenej na päť frakcií. Na rozhodovacej ceremónii si všetci šestnásťroční vyberajú frakciu, ktorej zasvätia zvyšok života. Beatrice má len dve možnosti: zostať so svojou rodinou, alebo ju navždy opustiť, aby mohla byť sama sebou. Rozhodnutím napokon prekvapí všetkých vrátane seba.
What if your whole world was a lie? The thrillingly dark conclusion to the No. 1 New York Times bestselling DIVERGENT trilogy, now available in paperback. DIVERGENT – a major motion picture series, INSURGENT movie release in 2015!
The mesmerising adult debut from Veronica Roth, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Divergent. They were the Chosen Ones. Saving the world made them heroes. Saving it again might destroy them.
No. 1 New York Times bestsellers DIVERGENT, INSURGENT and ALLEGIANT plus FOUR – A DIVERGENT COLLECTION and WORLD OF DIVERGENT available as a set for the first time!
In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfill their fates. The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives.
In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfill their fates. The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives.
An emotionally-charged contemporary fantasy of love, sacrifice and ancient enchantments as Polish folklore thrives in today’s Chicago, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Divergent, Chosen Ones and Arch-Conspirator, with prayed edges or the entire first printing. We bear the sword, and we bear the pain of the sword. Pain is Dymitr’s calling.
The thrilling third book in the internationally bestselling Divergent series that inspired a series of major motion pictures starring Shailene Woodley. This special 10th anniversary edition features exclusive content from Veronica Roth and a beautiful rei
Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Divergent with a special edition of the internationally bestselling series that inspired a series of major motion pictures starring Shailene Woodley. This edition features exclusive content from Veronica Roth and beautifu