'It's still magic, even if you know how it's done' SIR TERRY PRATCHETTDesigning Terry Pratchett's Discworld takes readers behind the scenes of the amazing partnership between Sir Terry Pratchett and artist Paul Kidby.
In the new edition of the bestselling indoor styling book Green, Jason Chongue explains and simplifies how to curate and look after plants in small urban spaces. In this practical and personal guide, Chongue shows us how to create urban gardens and how to style with plants, inside or out.
More than a fashion accessory or means to tell the time, the wristwatch has become a statement of identity; politician or celebrity, scientist or sportsman, what you choose to wear on your wrist speaks volumes about who you are.
Z lásky prichádzame na svet. V mieri putujeme životom. V architektúre nachádzame samých seba.   Doba nás predbehla, ale aj dala na výber. Cítime potrebu spomaliť, nadýchnuť sa a kľudne vydýchnuť. Vidieť ďaleko, čerpať z minulosti a vážiť si prítomnosť. Jeden druhého.
An inspiring collection of 50 spectacular houses built almost entirely from glass Glass Houses presents 50 stunning architect designed homes that utilize glass to maximum effect.
Po Ladislavovi Eduardovi Hudecovi predstavuje C.A.L.E.H. n.o. verejnosti jeho otca Juraja Hudeca, ktorý patril medzi významné osobnosti Banskej Bystrice na prelome 19. a 20. storočia. Juraj Hudec bol predovšetkým staviteľom, ale podieľal sa na stavbách aj ako projektant a reštaurátor.
Kniha formou pútavých esejí analyzuje architektonickú situáciu na Slovensku. Zaznamenáva hlavné trendy v súčasnej architektúre a diela, ktoré ich ilustrujú.
Sme veľmi radi, že Vám môžeme predstaviť ďalšie vydanie našej edície Rodinné domy trochu INAK. Veríme, že poteší a  pozitívne naladí na znovu svieže architektonické intonácie od APEXu. Hlavným a  veľmi silným motívom vždy bola potreba ponúknuť alternatívu. Prostredníctvom vlastnej tvorby vysloviť názor na architektúru rodinných domov.
Far and away the best narrative of western architecture in existence...it stands out as an intellectual triumph. - Sir John SummersonIn this highly acclaimed, classic reference work David Watkin traces the history of western architecture from the earliest times in Mesopotamia and Egypt to the late twentieth century.
The work within this book celebrates the use of mascots in contemporary graphic design. Co-opted to help sell or promote anything from tech companies and financial organisations to burger chains, record fairs and publishers, the use of mascots seems to be as popular as ever. Part of their charm is their variety.
Unikátny manuál, ktorý radí samosprávam a občianskym organizáciám, ako meniť opustené budovy na centrá kultúry a spoločenských inovácií.   Autorský kolektív pod vedením urbanistky Miloty Sidorovej v niekoľkých kapitolách analyzuje existujúce a pripravované projekty po celom Slovensku a hľadá ich spoločné parametre.
The go-to glow up handbook, this book is the one-stop shop for everything you need or want to know about makeup, and how to look good while caring for your skin. YouTube sensation and the 'queen of radiant skin and smoky eye tutorials', brings us the ultimate guide to flawless makeup. Hannah Martin has created amazing looks using top British beauty brands.
An entertaining, informative, and elegantly designed guide that makes understanding punctuation marks and symbols simple and fun. A rollicking linguistic ride for fans of Eats, Shoots & Leaves and Just My Type. What is the purpose of the comma - perhaps the most used symbol in the English language - and what are the proper uses of the asterisk?
Over the last 50 years, W has been the unparalleled laboratory for the world s top-tier photographers and writers, providing a platform for publishing their most ambitious and creative works. The photos and essays presented here will cover all categories including fashion, design, art, celebrity, film, and interiors.
How do people respond to “how are you” on opposite sides of the pond? Do lunch breaks change over distant longitudes? Is the boss bigger in Paris or L.A.? With the latest book in her best-selling series, Yang Liu distills the obvious and not-so-obvious contrasts between the European and U.S. experience into clever, crisp pictograms.
In their February 2021 issue, Vogue launched The United States of Fashion, a project that shines a spotlight on the creativity and craft flourishing throughout the country.
Synonymous with high-octane glamour, opulent sexuality, and fearless fashion, Tom Ford is an iconic designer whose namesake label has devout followers across the globe, from Milan and New Delhi to Shanghai and New York.
Publikácia vo vizuálne atraktívnej forme približuje jednu z najdôležitejších kapitol moderných kultúrnych dejín Slovenska spojenú s počiatkami výučby dizajnu na našom území. Prvá časť sa venuje jednotlivým oddeleniam ŠUR a tvorbe tu pôsobiacich osobností, druhá časť školu predstavuje v širšom dobovom domácom a medzinárodnom kontexte.
This is the first DIY city guide series on the market, kicking off with three of the most popular European destinations: London, Paris, and Berlin.
This eye-catching tome takes us inside the rarefied world of high-end wineries. Spanning a variety of architectural styles, these estates are all distinguished by their luxury. And, with a pace dictated by the seasons, they are restful respites from the world outside.