

Filter: Rolf Dobelli

The Art of the Good Life

The Art of the Good Life

Rolf Dobelli - SCEPTRE , EAN: 9781473667488

Since antiquity, i.e. for at least 2,500 years and probably much longer, people have been asking themselves what it means to live a good life. How should I live? What constitutes a good life? What's the role of fate? What's the role of money? Is leading a good life a question of mindset, or is it more about reaching your goals?

16,50 € Detail
Stop Reading the News

Stop Reading the News

Rolf Dobelli - HODDER & STOUGHTON , EAN: 9781529342680

A vital toolkit for managing the news cycle and finding a happier and calmer life at a time when the news is more upsetting than ever

16,50 € Detail