

Filter: Stephan Fussel, Rem Koolhaas

Cities of the World

Cities of the World

Stephan Fussel, Rem Koolhaas - TASCHEN , EAN: 9783836556415

More than four centuries on from its first publication, discover one of the jewels of urban cartography and civic studies. This quality reprint includes the most enchanting color plates from the Civitates orbis terrarum, a magnificent collection of town map engravings, produced between 1572 and 1617.

17,95 € Detail
Braun/Hogenberg. Cities of the World

Braun/Hogenberg. Cities of the World

Stephan Fussel, Rem Koolhaas - TASCHEN 2017, EAN: 9783836569026

More than four centuries on from its first publication, discover one of the jewels of urban cartography and civic studies. This quality reprint includes all 363 color plates from the Civitates orbis terrarum, a magnificent collection of town map engravings, produced between 1572 and 1617.

61,95 € Detail