

George VI.

George VI.

Sarah Bradford - PENGUIN 2011, EAN: 9780241956090

The definitive biography of George VI, the hero of The King's Speech George VI reigned through taxing times. Acceding to the throne upon his brother's abdication, he was immediately confronted with the turmoil in European politics leading up to the Second World War, then the War itself, followed by a period of austerity, social transformation and loss of Empire.

17,50 € Detail
The History of Modern France

The History of Modern France

Jonathan Fenby - HODDER & STOUGHTON 2015, EAN: 9781471129308

With the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815, the next two centuries for France would be tumultuous.

16,28 € Detail
London in the 19th Century

London in the 19th Century

Jerry White - VINTAGE 2007, EAN: 9780712600309

London in the nineteenth century was the greatest city mankind had ever seen. Its wealth was dazzling. Its horrors shocked the world. As William Blake put it, London was 'a Human awful wonder of God'. It was a century of genius - of Blake, Thackeray and Mayhew, of Nash, Faraday, Disraeli and Dickens.

18,95 € Detail


Rhonda K. Garelick - RANDOM HOUSE 2015, EAN: 9780812981858

19,95 € Detail