An accessible guide for learning about gender identity for those questioning their own genders, generally curious about gender, or interested in better understanding someone else's identity. If you've ever questioned the logic of basing an entire identity around what you have between your legs, it's time to embark on a daring escape outside of the binary box.
'A fantastic and much needed resource for all those suffering. Dr Katy Munro's experience and knowledge through this book will help all those who read it' Dr Rupy Aujla, The Doctor's Kitchen 'Dr Katy Munro is the single best migraine expert our family have ever met [...
The creator of the Gaia hypothesis and the greatest environmental thinker of our time has produced an astounding new theory about the future of life on Earth. James Lovelock argues that the anthropocene - the age in which humans acquired planetary-scale technologies - is, after three centuries, coming to an end. A new age - the novacene - has already begun.
This is no ordinary space book. Within the pages of this eclectic pop-history, scientist and educator Sten Odenwald at NASA examines 100 objects that forever altered what we know and how we think about the cosmos. From Sputnik to Skylab and Galileo's telescope to the Curiosity rover, some objects are iconic and some obscure--but all are utterly important.
This book is intended to deal primarily with the current trends in the theory of integration of landscape aspects in spatial planning and development processes. Ultimately, the need for integrating planning, particularly land use planning, landscape planning and impact assessment, is also a part of discussion.
A time series is a sequence of numbers collected at regular intervals over a period of time. Designed with emphasis on the practical application of theoretical tools, Elements of Time Series Econometrics is an approachable guide for the econometric analysis of time series. The text is divided into five major sections.
Odborná kniha z oblasti nejmodernějšího materiálového inženýrství se zabývá zcela novými přístupy v oblasti polymerních materiálů. Jde o výsledky výzkumu na molekulární úrovni, tak aby na makroskopické byly dosaženy všechny požadované vlastnosti pro uživatele materiálu.
Vysokoškolská učebnice se zabývá teorií počítačových sítí, novou ekonomikou a internetem, metodologií projektování informačních systémů, elektronickým bankovnictvím a transakcemi, principy elektronického obchodování, elektronickým marketingem, sémantickými weby, znalostními a expertními systémy.
Bees have always been friends to man, even way back in prehistoric times. They feed on nectar and pollen and transform them into honey, a delicious substance that besides being a tasty food, it's a key ingredient for many beauty products, and a synonym for pleasant and nourishing pampering. But the importance of bees goes far beyond this.
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