

Filter: Elizabeth Gilbert

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Podstata všetkých vecí

Elizabeth Gilbert - SLOVART 2023, EAN: 9788055663562

Elizabeth Gilbert je americká spisovateľka, známa predovšetkým vďaka bestselleru Jedz, modli sa a miluj, na motívy ktorého bol nakrútený aj rovnomenný film. Román Podstata všetkých vecí sa začína koncom 18. storočia a rozpráva strhujúci príbeh o čase, keď ľudstvo stálo na prahu takmer všetkých dôležitých objavov a človek si začal podmaňovať svet.

17,56 € Detail
Eat, Pray, Love film tie-in

Eat, Pray, Love film tie-in

Elizabeth Gilbert - Bloomsbury Publishing , EAN: 9781408810101

It's 3 A.M. and Elizabeth Gilbert is sobbing on the bathroom floor. She's in her thirties, she has a husband, a house, they're trying for a baby - and she doesn't want any of it. A bitter divorce and a turbulent love affair later, she emerges battered and bewildered and realizes it is time to pursue her own journey in search of three things she has been missing: pleasure, devotion and balance.

7,88 € Detail
The Signature of All Things

The Signature of All Things

Elizabeth Gilbert - Bloomsbury Publishing PLC , EAN: 9781408850046

10,50 € Detail
City of Girls

City of Girls

Elizabeth Gilbert - Bloomsbury Publishing , EAN: 9781408867044

It is the summer of 1940. Nineteen-year-old Vivian Morris arrives in New York with her suitcase and sewing machine, exiled by her despairing parents.

16,68 € Detail