

Objatie duše

Objatie duše

neznámy autor - Foni book SK 2022, EAN: 9788084443463

Zápisník plný inšpirácií

5,31 € Detail
Moje poznámky

Moje poznámky

neznámy autor - Foni book SK 2022, EAN: 9788084443494

Zápisník plný inšpirácií

5,31 € Detail
Nástenný kalendár MV SR na rok 2022

Nástenný kalendár MV SR na rok 2022

Ministerstvo vnútra SR, Jozef Danglár Gertli - MV SR 2021, EAN: 8586023244772

Kreslený nástenný kalendár MV SR prvýkrát určený aj pre verejnosť. Autorom kresieb je kultový slovenský maliar Jozef Danglár Gertli.

7,11 € Detail
Košice 2022

Košice 2022

- BEREN ATELIER 2021, EAN: 8588008663011

5,31 € Detail
Národný park Slovenský kras 2022 - kalendár

Národný park Slovenský kras 2022 - kalendár

neznámy autor - EPOCA, s.r.o. 2021, EAN: 8588007751054

Stolový a nástenný kalendár, súčasne pohľadnica. Obsahuje fotografie najkrajších miest v Národnom parku Slovenský kras. Jaskyne, vodopády, hrady a zrúcaniny. Edícia Žombojko Spoznávaj so mnou Slovenský kras.

4,46 € Detail
Košické impresie 2022 - Nástenný kalendár

Košické impresie 2022 - Nástenný kalendár

neznámy autor - EPOCA, s.r.o. 2021, EAN: 8588007751047

Fotografie dominánt Košíc ako Dóm sv. Alžbety, nočné Košice, Košice v zime, nové Košice s popiskami v slovenčine angličtine maďarčine a nemčine. Obsahuje slovenský menný kalendár a vyznačené všetky sviatkami v roku.

7,19 € Detail
Som Idealista: Kalendár 2022

Som Idealista: Kalendár 2022

neznámy autor - Som idealista s.r.o. 2021, EAN: 8588007922072

Dizajnový nástenný kalendár Som idealista skrýva okrem nádherných citátov aj autorské grafické diela slovenskej dizajnérky Veroniky Bednárovej, ktoré boli vytvorené špeciálne pre tento kalendár. Citáty aj obrazy sú plné lásky, nádeje, odhodlanosti, vyrovnanosti, pokoja i dobrodružstva. Kalendár je vydaný v limitovanej edícii niekoľko stoviek kusov.

3,39 € Detail
Keď nevládzeš pridaj!

Keď nevládzeš pridaj!

Jany Landl - News and Media Holding 2021, EAN: 9788097406400

Diár je zbierkou najchutnejších zdravých vegánskych jedál, účinných cvikov v podobe fotopostupov , motivačných príbehov, ale aj myšlienok samotného autora, fitnestrénera Janyho Landla. Diár obsahuje dostatok miesta na zapisovanie, kalendár so slovenskými aj českými menami . Doplnený je o priestor na zapisovanie denných tréningov, pitný režim či prehreškov.

10,12 € Detail
Amy Winehouse mini unlined

Amy Winehouse mini unlined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439725573

To inspire the writer, these unique journals portray the work of some of the greatest writers, thinkers and artists of all time. These reproductions of excerpts of original manuscripts, letters, scores and drawings provide a glimpse into the creative process of figures such as William Shakespeare, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Vincent van Gogh.

15,25 € Detail
Kipling mini lined

Kipling mini lined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439725252

To inspire the writer, these unique journals portray the work of some of the greatest writers, thinkers and artists of all time. These reproductions of excerpts of original manuscripts, letters, scores and drawings provide a glimpse into the creative process of figures such as William Shakespeare, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Vincent van Gogh.

13,42 € Detail
Fuchsia mini lined

Fuchsia mini lined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439714201

Europe was exposed to the soft shimmering sensuality of silk via the “Silk Road” from China. With the invention of the silk loom in 1804, artisans were able to create increasingly intricate designs.

12,95 € Detail
Bleu mini lined

Bleu mini lined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781551565774

Europe was exposed to the soft shimmering sensuality of silk via the “Silk Road” from China. With the invention of the silk loom in 1804, artisans were able to create increasingly intricate designs.

12,95 € Detail
Ougi slim lined

Ougi slim lined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439714072

The ingenuity and grace of the ancient craft of lacquerware is celebrated on our journal cover portraying a masterful example of a 19th century Japanese lacquer box made during the Edo or the Meiji period.

12,95 € Detail
Cabaret slim lined

Cabaret slim lined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439726594

Les Folies-Bergère, Le Casino de Paris, Le Moulin Rouge – the names of the famed cabarets of Art Deco Paris call to mind an exuberant atmosphere of showgirls, feathers, silks and sequins glittering in the spotlight.

14,25 € Detail
Plume slim lined

Plume slim lined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439715130

Delicate repetition and astonishing detail help to create this silvered meditation on the nature of beauty. The word “filigree” derives from the Latin words filum (thread) andgranum (seed). The filigree bindings are enhanced with foliage-ornaments and clasps.

13,95 € Detail
Sorceress Slim Lined

Sorceress Slim Lined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439716564

Paperblanks Fabulous Footwear Sorceress Slim notebook. What can we say about women’s shoes that hasn’t been said so eloquently elsewhere? Nothing really, which is why we are content to let the covers tell the story for us this time around. A purse-sized object that not only delights, but is a workhorse in the journaling department.

12,54 € Detail
Delphine Slim LIN

Delphine Slim LIN

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439735046

This deep blue Delphine journal celebrates the exuberance of the Florentine style. The original book of designs, published in the 1890s by Gines Codina y Sert, contained over a hundred decorative patterns adorning everything from murals to wallpaper to ta

13,95 € Detail
Proust Mini Unlined

Proust Mini Unlined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439743959

In Search of Lost Time, Marcel Proust's seven-volume masterpiece, is an examination of French society that almost completely lacks any sense of plot. Needless to say, it caused a sensation when the first volume was published in 1913. This Paperblanks jour

14,95 € Detail
Foiled A4 organizačná zložka

Foiled A4 organizačná zložka

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439754740

Renaissance leather bindings were often dyed rich shades of red to highlight the intricate gold-tooled embellishments that adorned them. We have created our Foiled address book cover in this spirit, capturing the vibrancy and lightness of design characteristic of these antique books.

11,40 € Detail
Grolier Grande Unlined

Grolier Grande Unlined

neznámy autor - PAPERBLANKS , EAN: 9781439715949

Jean Grolier was among history’s most discerning book collectors, possessing one of the finest private libraries of his time. His “Last Binder” was the Parisian shop that produced most of his later commissions and was responsible for the gold-tooled, brown leather binding recreated here.

29 € Detail