A spellbinding journey through the global history of witchcraft, the third volume in The Library of Esoterica follows this magickal tradition from its ancient roots to its modern incarnations.
Japanese homes are refuges of tranquility, crafted in a unique domestic aesthetic of Eastern minimalism. Traditional architecture features alongside cutting-edge contemporary dwellings in this collection of homes, with many never-before-seen photographs. Turn to the rising sun and discover the fluid simplicity of these spaces where Zen philosophy breathes.
The most influential architectural essays written since the Renaissance, copiously illustrated and neatly organized chronologically and by country. Discover the theories behind the structures in which we live, work, and play. From Alberti and Palladio to Le Corbusier and Koolhaas, this is the all-in-one, must-have book for anyone interested in what architects have to say about their craft.
Tour the world and discover the most exciting and innovative brick buildings! This volume features new talents as well as established stars and showcases the use of brick across diverse buildings, from Tate Modern Switch House in London by Herzog & De Meuron to Studio Libeskind’s Dutch Holocaust Memorial of Names in Amsterdam.
Discover the rapturous charms and historical grounds of newly formed Italy in this fascinating collection of photochromes and vintage colored prints from the turn of the century. Through Venice, Rome, Pisa, Florence, Naples, Vesuvius, Lake Como, and beyon
Výtvarná škola Bauhaus sa zrodila v krátkom medzivojnovom období a pôsobila iba štrnásť rokov. Za ten čas sa jej však podarilo úplne premeniť tvár moderny.
The first-ever exhibition curated by Peter Lindbergh himself, shortly before his untimely death, Untold Stories at the Dusseldorf Kunstpalast served as a blank canvas for the photographer's unrestrained vision and creativity. Given total artistic freedom, Lindbergh curated an uncompromising collection that sheds an unexpected light on his colossal oeuvre.
The Helmut Newton SUMO was a titanic book that towered above anything previously attempted. Twenty years later, we celebrate the legacy of this publishing venture in an XL edition, the result of a project conceived by Helmut Newton and revised by his wife June.
Kniha z populárnej edície predstavuje priekopníka modernej architektúry evolucionára Otta Wagnera. Známy architekt prispel používaním nových výrobných techník a stavebných postupov k prekonaniu historizmu a nástupu moderny.
This handy, updated edition explores the Bauhaus School of Art and Design through some 575 illustrations and biographies of its key personalities. Realized in collaboration with the Bauhaus-Archiv in Berlin, the reference work is now available in Bibliotheca Universalis format, the perfect companion for your next trip to Berlin, Weimar, or Dessau.
Tento podrobný průvodce, který připomíná sté výročí zahájení výzkumů Howarda Cartera v Údolí králů, vychází ve spolupráci s řadou mezinárodních výstav a propojuje současné povědomí o staroegyptském posmrtném životě s Vanniniho fotografiemi v extrémně vysokém rozlišení, aby osvětlil cestu, kterou měl Tutanchamon podniknout po své smrti.
A Visual History of Graphic Design - A comprehensive look at hundreds of landmark projects, industry leaders profiles, and illustrated timelines for each decade. History is a complex business. Fortunes boom and bust, empires wax and wane, and change-whether social, political, or technological-has its winners, its losers, its advocates, and its enemies.
Hardcover, 2 vols. with booklet, 23.5 x 33 cm, 1400 pages When it comes to revolutions in public knowledge, the Gutenberg Bible is up there with the Internet. As the first major Western publication to be printed using movable metal type, this extraordinary technological and artistic feat heralded the age of the printed book.
Completed circa 1474, Sébastien Mamerot’s lavishly illustrated manuscript is the only contemporary document to describe several centuries of French crusades, when successive kings tried to seize the Holy Land. Jean Colombe, the medieval illuminator best known for his work on the Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, is the principal artist of its 66 exquisite miniatures.
Cosmic rays gave them their powers, and they formed one of the greatest superhero squads of all time. Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and the Thing are iconic as individuals, invincible as a team: With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, welcome to your comprehensive guide to the greatest super quartet!
In 1970 Barbra Streisand published a story in Life magazine titled "Who Am I Anyway?
Until his death at age 104, Oscar Niemeyer (1907–2012) was something of an unstoppable architectural force. Over seven decades of work, he designed approximately 600 buildings, transforming skylines from Bab-Ezzouar, Algeria, to his homeland masterpiece Brasília. Niemeyer’s work took the reduced forms of modernism and infused them with free-flowing grace.