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The Business 2.0 Advanced C1

The Business 2.0 Advanced C1

neznámy autor - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9780230438088

Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the confidence, language and fundamentals skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business environment. Based on feedback from users, research into business English studies and the ever-evolving needs of employers The Business 2.

71,01 € Detail
Gateway B1+

Gateway B1+

neznámy autor - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9780230723504

26,13 € Detail
Motivate! 1

Motivate! 1

neznámy autor - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781380074294

17 € Detail
Ready for First (3rd edition): Teacher’s Book + eBook Pack
43,48 € Detail
Macmillan Readers Elementary: Picture of Dorian Gray T. Pk with CD
14,85 € Detail
Gateway to Maturita 2nd Edition B1 Workbook

Gateway to Maturita 2nd Edition B1 Workbook

neznámy autor - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781786326423

Učebnice Gateway to Maturita je koncipována tak, aby studenty vedla k úspěšnému zvládnutí zkoušek. Připravuje studenty i na další studium a na trh práce. V této učebnici nakladatelství Macmillan zachovalo všechno, díky čemu bylo první vydání učebnice Gateway úspěšné. Každá lekce má jasnou a logickou strukturu.

14,85 € Detail
Motivate! 2

Motivate! 2

neznámy autor - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781380074317

21,95 € Detail
New Inside Out Elementary

New Inside Out Elementary

Sue Kay; Vaughan Jones; Chris Dawson - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9780230020955

57,20 € Detail
New Inside Out Elementary

New Inside Out Elementary

Peter Maggs; Catherine Smith - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781405085984

11,84 € Detail
New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate

New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate

Sue Kay; Vaughan Jones - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9780230020993

57,20 € Detail
New Inside Out Intermediate

New Inside Out Intermediate

Sue Kay; Vaughan Jones - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781786327369

42,08 € Detail
New Inside Out Intermediate

New Inside Out Intermediate

Philip Kerr - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9780230009097

17,33 € Detail
New Inside Out Intermediate

New Inside Out Intermediate

Sue Kay; Vaughan Jones - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9780230020979

57,20 € Detail
Carry On

Carry On

Rainbow Rowell - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781447266945

Simon Snow just wants to relax and savour his last year at the Watford School of Magicks, but no one will let him. His girlfriend broke up with him, his best friend is a pest and his mentor keeps trying to hide him away in the mountains where maybe he'll be safe.

9,64 € Detail
The Ender Quartet Boxed Set

The Ender Quartet Boxed Set

Orson Scott Card - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781250773135

38,87 € Detail
The Business 2.0 B1 Pre-intermediate Student's Book

The Business 2.0 B1 Pre-intermediate Student's Book

- MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781035132096

54,73 € Detail
Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Mi

Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Mi

Banerjee Divakaruni Chitra - MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781405073271

10,72 € Detail
Academy Stars 1 Workbook with Digital Workbook

Academy Stars 1 Workbook with Digital Workbook

- MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781380069023

14,03 € Detail
Academy Stars 2 Workbook with Digital Workbook

Academy Stars 2 Workbook with Digital Workbook

- MACMILLAN , EAN: 9781380069030

14,03 € Detail