Hlavní rysy: • Je určený pro studenty středních škol ve věku 14-19 let • Každý díl je určený pro jeden školní rok • Gramatika je prezentována v kontextu s rozhovory a je systematicky procvičována • Novinka 2006 české pracovní sešity • Novinka 2006 učebnice s CD-Romem • Novinka 2006 video Interviews • Zpracovává témata k maturitní
The third edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed. Language levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate Key features •Streamlined units, now at eight pages. They are easy to navigate, with clearly divided sections.
A topic-based four-level primary course with an emphasis on developing reading and writing skills.
This is a topic-based four-level primary course with an emphasis on developing reading and writing skills.
This is a topic-based four-level primary course with an emphasis on developing reading and writing skills.
A communicative four-skills course for beginners. Chit Chat follows the same tried-and-tested syllabus of the popular Chatterbox course. It is more grammatically organized than other primary courses. Children are encouraged to play with patterns in language to discover the basic elements of English grammar. Zany cartoon bugs help to make this fun.
Inovovaný 5-stupňový kurz angličtiny určený pre deti od 10 rokov. Project prináša vyučovanie angličtiny príjemným, motivujúcim spôsobom. Jednoduchá gramatická skladba, prezentovanie jazyka v realistickom kontexte pomôžu deťom pri prvých problémoch, ktoré angličtina pre nich prináša.
A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing. Key features: Happy House is a two-year course that introduces children to English through listening and speaking and then, in the second level, provides a gentle introduction to the written word.