
A Collection of First World War Poetry

A Collection of First World War Poetry (Young Adult ELI readers)

Ruth Swan; Janet Borsbey - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853615930

This collection reflects the wide variety of poems written, in the English language, about The War that Will End War (H.G. Wells, 1914). The collection contains poetry written during, or immediately after, the First World War.

7,20 € Detail
Kaspar Hauser

Kaspar Hauser

Anselm von Feuerbach - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853615985

Wer ist dieser Junge, der nicht spricht, nicht begreift, unschuldig wie das erste Wesen seiner Art? Was ist sein Geheimnis?

7,20 € Detail
Bodas de sangre

Bodas de sangre (Lectures ELI Jóvenes Y Adultos)

Federico García Lorca - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853616005

“El teatro es poesía que se sale del libro para hacerse humana.

7,20 € Detail
Il souvenir egizio

Il souvenir egizio

Mary Flagan - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853615855

Il sogno di Giulia č diventare una famosa detective, come il famoso commissario Salvo Montalbano. Un giorno la sua vita cambia a causa di un semplice souvenir comprato in Egitto. Ma č un semplice souvenir o qualcosa di piů?

5,40 € Detail
I Malavoglia

I Malavoglia (ELI Letture Graduate Giovani Adulti)

Giovanni Verga - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853616043

I Malavoglia č un romanzo che nasce da una profonda riflessione di Verga sull’uomo e sulla letteratura. biografia di Giovanni Verga | dossier informativi sull’opera e il suo contesto storico | glossario delle parole piů difficili | attivitŕ linguistiche di comprensione del testo | test finale.

7,20 € Detail
Map of Czech Grammar

Map of Czech Grammar

Christopher Guilds; Stanislav Soják - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788085836134

Tato publikace je určena cizincům, kteří hovoří anglicky a chtějí se naučit český jazyk. Shoda podmětu s přísudkem, vyjmenovaná slova, slovní druhy, větné členy, pravopis a veškeré základní údaje z české gramatiky jsou zde zpracovány v přehledných tabulkách, které umožňují rychlou orientaci v publikaci.

4,91 € Detail
Kieran´s Karate Adventure

Kieran´s Karate Adventure (Popcorn ELT Readers)

neznámy autor - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9781908351890

Kieran has a blue belt in karate but he is bullied and can’t control his temper. Does he have the discipline he needs to be successful in the school karate competition?

10,60 € Detail
Puss in Boots The Gold of San Ricardo

Puss in Boots The Gold of San Ricardo (Popcorn ELT Readers)

neznámy autor - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9781908351609

Puss-in-Boots has been an outlaw for many years. His old enemy Humpty Dumpty wants to help Puss clear his name, but can he be trusted?

10,60 € Detail
Le Capitaine Fracasse

Le Capitaine Fracasse (ELI lectures juniors)

Théophile Gautier - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853615794

Ce roman de cape et d’épée flamboyant est un pastiche. Dans cet ouvrage : des dossiers culturels; un glossaire des mots et expressions difficiles; des exercices DELF; des activités ludiques tres variées. Themes: Roman de cape et d’épée; Amour; Aventure Le baron de Sigognac est un noble sans fortune qui part avec une troupe de comédiens.

13,62 € Detail
Tristan et Iseut

Tristan et Iseut (ELI lectures juniors)

neznámy autor - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853615800

L’histoire de Tristan et Iseut a traversé les siecles pour intégrer la littérature. Dans cet ouvrage : des dossiers culturels ; un glossaire des mots et expressions difficiles ; des exercices DELF ; des activités ludiques tres variées.

6,03 € Detail
Great Expectations

Great Expectations (Scholastic ELT Readers)

Charles Dickens - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9781909221437

Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for hand-picked classics of English literature that are simplified and adapted for students in an accessible and engaging way. Great Expectations is one of Charles Dickens' most popular novels, its colourful characters and strong story inspiring numerous film and TV adaptations.

15,58 € Detail

Germinal (ELI Lectures Seniors)

Émile Zola - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853615961

Germinal est un mois du calendrie républicain, il correspond au début du printemps et donc a la renaissance du monde.

7,20 € Detail
Hurra, Ferien!

Hurra, Ferien! (Erste ELI Lektüren)

Dominique Guillemant - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853614803

Sven hat Sommerferien. Er ist mit Oma und Opa am Meer. Auch sein kleiner Hund Flecki ist dabei. Sie spielen am Strand, baden im Meer und erleben viele kleine Abenteuer… Wie schön mit der ganzen Familie in den Urlaub zu fahren… und mit dem eigenen, innig geliebten Hund.

5,40 € Detail
Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables (Teen ELI Readers)

Lucy Maud Montgomeryová - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853615763

One day, in Canada, an eleven year old girl, Anne, arrives at Green Gables.She is going to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, who are brother and sister. But Anne does not know that Matthew and Marilla want a boy and not a girl.

6,70 € Detail
Expedition Brazil

Expedition Brazil (Teen ELI Readers)

Anna Claudia Ramos - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853617446

Niara, Yoshi and Gunnar are the lucky winners of a trip to Brazil. Follow them while travelling around this country. While making a documentary about the country, they will visit the largest city in South America, Săo Paulo, the unbelievable capital, Brasília, lovely Rio de Janeiro, and two natural wonders of the world, the wetlands of Pantanal and the great Amazon rainforest.

13,62 € Detail
PB3 and the Helping Hands

PB3 and the Helping Hands (Young ELI readers)

Jane Cadwallader - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853615749

Will the children be able to save PB3 and Robin from the OOs? And from the journalists? PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little do they suspect that the evil OOs are chasing them! It looks like the end for our ET friends but … a band of Earth children come to the rescue. Will they be able to save them?

5,40 € Detail

Dracula (Young Adult ELI readers)

Bram Stoker - INFOA 2013, EAN: 9788853615893

When Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula, he soon realises that he has made a big mistake. What is happening in the lonely castle? Where does Count Dracula go during the day? Why are there no mirrors?

7,20 € Detail
Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe (Zrcadlová četba)

Daniel Defoe - INFOA 2012, EAN: 9788072408047

Anglicko-český zrcadlový text pro mírně pokročilé. Robinson Crusoe podle příběhu Daniela Defoa. Po ztroskotání na opuštěném ostrově se Robinson Crusoe musí naučit, jak přežít. Zpočátku je sám – ale potom na ostrov dorazí kanibalové se zajatcem. Může Crusoe toho muže zachránit – nebo bude čelit stejnému osudu? A dostane se vůbec někdy z ostrova živý?

8,90 € Detail
Stories of Sherlock Holmes Příběhy Sherlocka Holmese

Stories of Sherlock Holmes Příběhy Sherlocka Holmese (Zrcadlová četba)

neznámy autor - INFOA 2012, EAN: 9788072408023

Anglicko-český zrcadlový text pro mírně pokročilé. Klasické příběhy Sherlocka Holmese podle Sira Arthura Conana Doyla. Sherlock Holmes s pomocí věrného Dr.

8,90 € Detail


neznámy autor - INFOA 2012, EAN: 9788072407873

Barevné rozkládací leporelo pro děti s mnoha barevnými fotografiemi.

3,24 € Detail