Autor: Zuzana Svobodová, Ivone Cristina Igreja Sá, Petra Fikrová
Vydavateľstvo: Univerzita Karlova 2023
EAN: 9788024640815
The Practical Classes in Cell Biology is simultaneously a teaching material and a workbook in one. Each chapter is composed of a theoretical part related to the discussed topic and a practical part which are tasks that the student performs individually or in a group. The theoretical part contains only selected topics and important information directly related to the discussed topics.
čítať viacIva Boušová , Barbora Szotáková, Jaroslav Dršata
Univerzita Karlova 2010 5,23 €Kamil Javorka, Andrea Čalkovská, Daniela Mokrá, Ingrid Tonhajzerová, Michal Javorka
UNIVERZITA KOMENSKÉHO BRATISLAVA 2022 9,90 €Kamil Javorka, Andrea Čalkovská, Daniela Mokrá, Ingrid Tonhajzerová, Michal Javorka
UNIVERZITA KOMENSKÉHO BRATISLAVA 2019 11,47 €The Practical Classes in Cell Biology is simultaneously a teaching material and a workbook in one. Each chapter is composed of a theoretical part related to the discussed topic and a practical part which are tasks that the student performs individually or in a group. The theoretical part contains only selected topics and important information directly related to the discussed topics. The text is supplemented with QR codes that are linked to the videos which will simplify understanding of the discussed material. The practical part is focused on getting knowledge about the light microscope and the ability how to work with it. The students will practice the preparation of native preparations and the correct observation of permanent preparations that are of animal (ram erythrocytes, epithelial cells of the oral mucosa, HeLa cell culture, Paramecium caudatum, Drosophila melanogaster) or plant origin (onion root). Students record and draw the results of their observations in the laboratory manual, and write conclusions and answers to theoretical questions