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Vydavateľstvo: Filozoficky ustav SAV 2024
EAN: FIL0524
Daniel Dennett Cesta k inteligencii: Nadmerné zjednodušenia a samokontrola Amrei Bahr Bridgess Without Foundation? Why the Use of AI Tools in Academia Needs to Build on Ethics First Lukas Ohly Can and Should Language Models Act Politically?
čítať viacAndrej Kalaš
TU - Filozofická Fakulta 2012 9 €Daniel Dennett
Cesta k inteligencii: Nadmerné zjednodušenia a samokontrola
Amrei Bahr
Bridgess Without Foundation?
Why the Use of AI Tools in Academia Needs to Build on Ethics First
Lukas Ohly
Can and Should Language Models Act Politically?
Hannah Arendt´s Theory of Action in Comparison with Generative A1
Kathrin Burghardt
AI Text Generators and the Truht Paradigm:
Considerations from a Phenomenological Perspective
Gerhard Schreiber
Reconsidering Agency in the Age of AI
Filip Čukljevič
How is Self-Fashioning Possible? Nietzsche on Agency and Freedom