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Vydavateľstvo: Filozoficky ustav SAV 2024
EAN: FIL0624
Graham Priest Social Atomism and its Problems - Metaphysical and Political Miroslav Hanke The Mathematics of Natural Action in Seventeenth-Century Jesuit Scholasticism (Hurtado, Arriaga, Oviedo, Compton) Ethel Junco - Claudio César Calabrese The Relevance of Pythagoreanism in the Poetry of Zambrano Ivan Koniar O definícii autonómnych zbraňových systémov Kristina
čítať viacAndrej Kalaš
TU - Filozofická Fakulta 2012 9 €Graham Priest
Social Atomism and its Problems - Metaphysical and Political
Miroslav Hanke
The Mathematics of Natural Action in Seventeenth-Century Jesuit Scholasticism (Hurtado, Arriaga, Oviedo, Compton)
Ethel Junco - Claudio César Calabrese
The Relevance of Pythagoreanism in the Poetry of Zambrano
Ivan Koniar
O definícii autonómnych zbraňových systémov
Kristina Kalitová
(Zne)uznání a sociální nespavedlnost:
Pierre Bourdieu k dialogu mezi Nancy Fraser a Axelem Honnethem
Darja Dočekalová
Emancipace prostřednictvím crip identity s ohledem na petenciá péče