

Filter: Charlotte Brontëová

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre (Young Adult ELI readers)

Charlotte Brontëová - INFOA 2012, EAN: 9788853607935

Jane Eyre was an immediate bestseller, and most critics liked it. One reviewer wrote: ‘It is one of the most powerful domestic romances which have been published for many years.’ In this Reader you will find: A short biography of Charlotte Brontë | Glossary | Comprehension activities | PET-style activities | Exit test Tags Love | Society Jane Eyre is an orphan, and all alone in the world.

7,20 € Detail
Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre (Scholastic ELT Readers)

Charlotte Brontëová - INFOA , EAN: 9781905775323

Orphaned as a young child, Jane Eyre has an unhappy start to life living with her cruel aunt and cousins and later enduring the hardships of Lowood school. After taking up a post as a governess, her life begins to improve, helped by her growing friendship with Mr Rochester, her surly employer. But can she achieve true happiness in a place filled with dark secrets?

11,60 € Detail
Jane Eyre/Jana Eyrová

Jane Eyre/Jana Eyrová (Zrcadlová četba)

Charlotte Brontëová - INFOA 2011, EAN: 9788072407460

Ubohý sirotek, Jane Eyreová, nemá nikoho, kdo by ji chránil před zlými příbuznými a učiteli. Odhodlaná najít své štěstí se stane vychovatelkou a začne tak svůj nový život v Thornfield Hall. Zanedlouho však Jane zjistí, že Thornfield a vlastník usedlosti, pan Rochester, před ní skrývají tajemství. Čí je to hrozný smích, co slýchává?

8,90 € Detail