


Filter: Henry James

The Portrait of a Lady

The Portrait of a Lady

Henry James - ELI PUBLISHING 2016, EAN: 9788853621115

Život ju nesmierne fascinoval, neustále pozorovala okolie a rozmýšľala. Počas jedného ospalého leta príde do Anglicka Američanka a všetkých prebudí zo spánku – Isabel Archerová je zaujímavá žena. Všetci si to myslia. Je nezávislá, všetci si to uvedomujú. V rukách pevne drží životy všetkých, ktorých tu stretne. Ale nezmení ju nakoniec Anglicko?

8 € Detail
The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw (Young Adult ELI readers)

Henry James - INFOA 2010, EAN: 9788853605184

After I had accepted the position and agreed to his condition, I had two or three very bad days. I was full of doubts, sure I had made a terrible mistake. I was in this state of mind as I sat in the uncomfortable coach which was taking me to my new home.

7,20 € Detail

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