

Filter: William M. Thackeray

Vanity Fair: A Novel without a hero

Vanity Fair: A Novel without a hero

William M. Thackeray - ELI PUBLISHING 2015, EAN: 9788853620347

Náš príbeh sa začína pred bránami Akadémie pre mladé dámy pani Pinkertonsovej v Chiswick Mall v Londýne. Veľký rodinný koč čaká na dve mladé dámy, Ameliu Sedleyovú a Becky Sharpovú.

10,35 € Detail
Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair (Scholastic ELT Readers)

William M. Thackeray - INFOA , EAN: 9781905775644

Follow the fortunes of Becky Sharp, one of English literature’s most colourful heroines, as she uses her wit, charm and ruthless ambition in an attempt to forge a place for herself in high society. With Fact Files on William Thackeray, the Napoleonic Wars, and Young Men in Regency England

12,70 € Detail