„Neboj sa, dieťa moje. Počul som tvoje slová lásky a som šťastný za vás oboch, Ferdinand. Chcel som len zistiť, či je tvoja láska k mojej krásnej zlatej dcére Mirande skutočná.“ Prospero žije na podivnom ostrove s dcérou Mirandou. Jednej noci pomocou magickej sily vyvolá búrku, ktorá prinesie jeho brata a kráľa Neapola na ostrov.
"„Nič nie je samo o sebe ani dobré, ani zlé. Záleží na tom, čo si o tom myslíme.“ – William Shakespeare, Hamlet Po tom, čo Hamlet vidí ducha svojho otca, sa začne správať zvláštne. Teraz už pozná strašné tajomstvo o otcovej smrti a musí sa rozhodnúť, čo robiť. Veľa ľudí si myslí, že sa zbláznil. Je to naozaj tak?
Theseus of Athens is looking forward to his wedding to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. But two other young couples are not so happy: Hermia wants to marry Lysander, but her father doesn’t agree. Helena loves Demetrius, but he wants to marry Hermia. The King and Queen of the Fairies don’t love each other any more, so they start to play tricks on each other.
There’s daggers in men’s smiles’ (Act II, Sc. III) Tag Ambition Power In this Reader you will find: - Focus on… - PET-style activities - Glossary of difficult words - Exit Test - Comprehension activities - A section focussing on CLIL Physical Geography Scotland in the eleventh century. Macbeth is a brave general, loyal to King Duncan and to Scotland.
Romeo Montague was in love with Juliet Capulet. He went over to her. ‘I don’t know who you are’ he said. ‘But I know that I love you.’ ‘You’re very handsome,’ she replied. ‘I think I love you too.’ Romeo kissed Juliet and then they kissed again. They were in love.