Orhan Pamuk, držitel Nobelovy ceny za literaturu, je nejčtenějším současným tureckým autorem. Román Nový život je velkolepým postmoderním příběhem o hledání smyslu života, velké lásky a smrti. Vypravěčem je mladý student, jenž se vydává na mysteriózní cestu napříč Anatólií a snaží se nalézt nový život, který mu přislíbila záhadná kniha.
In an old mansion in Cennethisar, a former fishing village near Istanbul, an old widow Fatma awaits the annual summer visit of her grandchildren. She has lived in the village for decades, ever since her husband, an idealistic young doctor, first arrived to serve the poor fishermen. Now mostly bedridden, she is attended by her faithful servant Recep, a dwarf and the doctor's illegitimate son.
At a family wedding Mevlut catches sight of a girl with whom he falls in love. After a secret courtship of letters passed via his cousin, she agrees to elope with him. As they rush to catch a train to Istanbul, Mevlut realises he has been misled. But the
It is the story of boza seller Mevlut, the woman to whom he wrote three years' worth of love letters, and their life in Istanbul. In the four decades between 1969 and 2012, Mevlut works a number of different jobs on the streets of Istanbul, from selling