The uplifting new Japanese cat novel from the million-copy bestselling author of The Travelling Cat ChroniclesTHE PERFECT READ FOR CAT LOVERS'Quirky and life-enhancing' THE TIMES Biggest Books of the Autumn 2023 _____________________Against changing seasons in Japan, seven cats weave their way through their owners' lives.
Sometimes we must look to the past to survive the future.A novel about what really matters in life from the bestselling author of Captain Corelli's MandolinQ wants a simpler and safer life. His work as a quantum cryptographer for the government has led him to believe a crisis is imminent for civilisation and he's looking for somewhere to ride out what's ahead.
We spend our whole lives in one body and yet most of us have practically no idea how it works and what goes on inside it. Want to know why the skin is the biggest organ?Why our brains can see into the future?Or why your eyes are back to front?
THIS BOOK TRANSLATES ALL THE MEOWS - IN CASE YOU MISSED ANYTHING Descended from shy, solitary North African wild cats, domestic cats set up homes with devoted owners all over the world. But how did those wildcats of old creep into our homes and our hearts, convincing us to keep them warm, fed, and pampered?
1992. Two strangers bring a hospital patient a list of names. They ask him for one more, but it's a question the patient can't answer.Minutes later he is dispatched through the 12th floor window.His death generates some unexpected attention. That attention comes from the Secretary of Defence, who brings in an inter-agency task force to investigate.
Discover the work of the greatest writer in the English language as you've never encountered it before by pre-ordering internationally renowned actor Dame Judi Dench's SHAKESPEARE: The Man Who Pays The Rent - a witty, insightful journey through the plays and tales of our beloved Shakespeare'A MAGICAL LOVE LETTER TO SHAKESPEARE' Sir Kenneth Branagh__________Taking a curtain call with a live
'This didn't feel like magic. It felt a lot older than that. It felt like music.'Being sixteen is always difficult, but it's even more so when there's a Death in the family.Susan hasn't exactly had a normal upbringing, with a skeletal grandfather who rides a white horse and wields a scythe. When Death decides he needs a well-earned break, he leaves Susan to take over the family business.
'The universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew . . .The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.'Time is a resource. Everyone knows it must be managed.You can let it move fast or slowly, but what you mustn't do is allow it to stop. On the Discworld, the History Monks have the important job of ensuring that tomorrow always comes.
'This is everything I love! Cozy small town romance, fall vibes, coffee house vibes, and grumpy x sunshine trope that was done perfectly!
Second star to the right and straight on to mourning... A fairy tale retelling like no other from the imagination of Jessa Hastings. *Coming 5 December 2023.
Something inhuman has come to Tarker's Mills, as unseen as the full moon riding the night sky high above. The first scream came from the snowbound railwayman who felt the werewolf's fangs ripping at his throat. The next month there was a scream of ecstatic agony from the woman attacked in her cosy bedroom.
Trapped in a mansion with a murderer and a family of liars - how would you survive?
'A thrilling, heart-stealing historic romp and achingly romantic.' M.A. Kuzniar, bestselling author of Midnight in Everwood 'A heartwarming tale of forbidden love that captured my heart from its opening page... Unputdownable' Sunday Times bestselling author Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York 'Road trips and secret identities...a beautifully thoughtful and deliciously sweet romance.
Elizabeth Gilbert je americká spisovateľka, známa predovšetkým vďaka bestselleru Jedz, modli sa a miluj, na motívy ktorého bol nakrútený aj rovnomenný film. Román Podstata všetkých vecí sa začína koncom 18. storočia a rozpráva strhujúci príbeh o čase, keď ľudstvo stálo na prahu takmer všetkých dôležitých objavov a človek si začal podmaňovať svet.
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the international bestselling Spiderwick Chronicles and get ready for the series soon to be streaming on Disney+ with the fourth installment in the adventures of the Grace children. First a pack of vile, smelly goblins snatch Simon. Then a band of elves try to entrap Jared.Why is the entire faerie world so eager to get their hands on Arthur Spiderwick's Guide?
Erika Falcková a Patrik Hedström sú konečne späť!
Každý uteká iným spôsobom. Postavy v tejto knihe unikajú k zvieratám a k umeniu, hľadajú rozlet v neustálom ohrození. Modrosleposť je román o vlastných väzeniach a bludnom hľadaní cesty von. O zvieratách v nás, mučených, slobodných aj divokých. O zvieratách, do ktorých vkladáme svoje predstavy o sebe.
Dievčina Ela vyrastá a dospieva v časoch komunizmu. V skutočnosti o komunizmus nešlo, súdruhovia a s nimi povinne celá spoločnosť sa ho iba snažili vybudovať. Nevybudovali, respektíve nedobudovali. Malá Ela a s ňou statisíce ďalších detí si však neuvedomovali, o čo ide. Svoju realitu - veď sa do nej narodili - vnímali ako jedinú možnú.
Sú dni, ktoré sú iné ako ostatné.Markus Kovalčík sa ocitne na vrchole úspechu, ale sláva je zároveň skúškou jeho charakteru. Stredobodom jeho životnej cesty je kariéra, ktorej všetko podriadil a ktorej vďačí aj za neutíchajúci záujem žien.