

Filter: Karol Kállay

Impatience /Netrpezlivosť/

Impatience /Netrpezlivosť/

Karol Kállay - SLOVART , EAN: 9788071458791

Franz Kafka wrote: The world can be looked upon as good only from where it was created, for only there was it said: it is good, and only from there can it be condemned and destroyed. All these photographs of the land and people were taken for someone to see. They need no explanation. It is not important what I intended my photographs to say. What is important is what those who look at them feel.

29,18 € Detail
Photoreporting /GB/

Photoreporting /GB/

Karol Kállay - SLOVART , EAN: 9788055613833

43,91 € Detail
High Tatras and Spis Region

High Tatras and Spis Region

Karol Kállay - SLOVART , EAN: 9788071452058

Obrazová kniha o tatranskom a spišskom regione od známeho slovenského fotografa Karola Kállaya.

8,27 € Detail