In this intimate and open account - nothing like any rock-and-roll memoir you've ever read - Alex Van Halen shares his personal story of family, friendship, music and brotherly love in a remarkable tribute to his beloved brother and band mate.
You know the songs by heart. You’ve traded the friendship bracelets. You’ve worn the cowboy boots and the bejewelled bodysuits.Now, get the inside track on this generation’s biggest super star – Taylor Swift. An intimate look at the life and music of modern pop's most legendary figure, Taylor Swift, from leading music journalist Rob Sheffield. A cultural phenomenon.
Filip Kulisev sa roky zaujíma o polárne oblasti sveta, ktoré ho uchvátili natoľko, že sa im rozhodol venovať svoju ďalšiu monografiu. V nej dokonale ukazuje, nakoľko sú Arktída a Antarktída odlišné.
In all his films, Wes Anderson turns the mundane into magic by building distinctive and eccentric worlds. But how well do you know the man behind the camera? Discover the inspirations of one of our most revered auteurs with The Worlds of Wes Anderson. Anderson’s playful and vibrant aesthetic is universally admired – but how has he managed to create such a recognisable identity?
HEY MEATBAG! Are you a human or do you just want to be one? Do you think you re good at being human? Well, you re WRONG, pal! Get right with the info in Bender s Guide to Life: By me, Bender!, and you too can be almost human!
Frank Frazetta has reigned as the undisputed king of fantasy art for 50 years, his fame only growing in the years since his death. With his paintings now breaking auction records (Egyptian Queen sold for $ 5.4 million in 2019) he’s long overdue for this ultimate monograph.
This volume documents the first exhibition curated by Peter Lindbergh himself shortly before his death. More than 100 photographs offer new and unexpected insights into the work of the legendary photographer. The selection is complemented by an interview on the exhibition’s origins and a tribute by Wim Wenders, a close friend of Lindbergh’s.
All the grief, grit, and unassailable dignity of the civil rights movement are evoked in this centennial edition of James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time, with photographs by Steve Schapiro. Together, Baldwin’s frank account of the black experience and Schapiro’s vital images offer testimony to one of the most important struggles of American society.
An inspiring guide for learning to recognise and paint the beauty of wild flowers and the untamed nature that surrounds us. The author, Gaëtane Nicoulin-Béchir, apassionate watercolourist and lover of nature, teaches you in this inspiringhow-to book how to recognise and paint wildflowers that grow naturally infields and meadows as you learn step-by step different watercolour techniques.
At the age of six, Hokusai was said to have painted his first picture, and a year after his death aged 89, his designs for illustrated books were posthumously published. Tracing a long, prolific career, this edition spans each of the artist’s creative phases: from the actor portraits with which Hokusai started out to the 1,300 designs carried out in his final years under the name Manji.
A comprehensive, officially licensed guide to crocheting amigurumi from the Wizarding World, this book includes designs for every skill level, using a wide range of stitches and techniques, and featuring yarn matched to the colours used in the films.
All you need is a pen to create gorgeous botanical artworks with The Botanical Watercolour Reverse Colouring Book. Reverse colouring is the practice of drawing and doodling your own unique line artworks over pre-painted colour backgrounds. In this book, celebrated watercolourist Harriet de Winton has created more than 80 beautiful watercolour backgrounds for readers to fill in.
Boris Farkaš je známy predovšetkým ako herec: divadelný, televízny i filmový. Zároveň je možné jeho charakteristický hlas spoznať v dabingových úlohách či rozhlasových inscenáciách. A okrem toho je - napríklad - aj glosátor spoločensko-politickej situácie na Slovensku.Táto publikácia ho však ukazuje ešte v inom svetle: vizuálneho vtipu.
'What will we find in the uncut grass?
Vo fotografickej publikácii Ukrajinské leporelo sa fotograf a reportér Andrej Bán sústreďuje na aktuálne dianie na území nášho východného suseda. Ukrajina už roky musí hrdinsky čeliť agresii Putinovho Ruska, to však neznamená, že sa pestrý bežný život v krajine zastavil. Vojna sa dotýka všetkých jeho aspektov.
Vo fotografickej publikácii Ukrajinské leporelo sa fotograf a reportér Andrej Bán sústreďuje na aktuálne dianie na území nášho východného suseda. Ukrajina už roky musí hrdinsky čeliť agresii Putinovho Ruska, to však neznamená, že sa pestrý bežný život v krajine zastavil. Vojna sa dotýka všetkých jeho aspektov.
Len máloktorý súčasný umelec vzbudzuje takú zvedavosť ako Banksy: britský tvorca street artu, ktorý sa stal globálnou celebritou, povýšil prácu so šablónami a s farbami v spreji na spoločenskú a politickú výpoveď presahujúcu svet umenia.