Dr No, the first Bond film, and Love Me Do, the first Beatles record, were released on the same day. Most countries can only dream of creating a phenomenon on this scale; Britain produced two on one windy October afternoon.
Expressed in prints, paintings and drawings, Kállay’s metaphors of our fate assume the viewer’s fresh powers of unrestrained imagination.
With over 650,000 copies of their books in print and nearly 50 issues of their magazine distributed worldwide, Kinfolk has come to define the taste of a generation: From interiors to fashion, portraiture, food and travel, the consistently boundary-pushing photography produced by the brand has coalesced into one of the most influential and immersive lifestyle aesthetics of the last decade.
There's nothing better than enjoying an activity with your friends!
For over thirty years, besides making music, David Byrne has focused his unique genius upon forms as diverse as the archaeology of music as we know it, architectural photography and the uses of PowerPoint. Now he presents his most personal work to date, a collection of drawings exploring the form of the tree diagram.
Jana Ilková (1978) je fotografkou v klasickom zmysle tohto slova. Jej snímky zo série Diary (od roku 2018 - ) sú rôznorodou zmesou motívov z každodenného života. Motívov, ktoré sú na prvý pohľad banálne a neatraktívne. Ilková pracuje so snapshotovou estetikou a často využíva priame bleskové svetlo, ktoré odhaľuje všetky chyby a nedostatky.
Martin Vongrej (1986) v současnosti reprezentuje patrně nejstrukturovanější podobu vizuální tvorby na Slovensku. Ve svých dílech se snaží obsáhnout liminální prostor mezi myšlenkovou spekulací a konceptuálně-minimalistickou estetikou; kombinuje vizualitu se subjektivně pojatou filozofickou rovinou.
Komplexná monografia slovenského výtvarníka Michala Studeného. Je považovaný za súčasť „stratenej generácie“, ktorá sa v polovici 60. rokov snažila nanovo definovať funkciu obrazov, pričom si držala odstup od súčasných medzinárodných trendov.V roku 1968 Studený vystavil plátno so 401 skutočnými štvorlístkami.
A comprehensive monography of a Slovak artist Michal Studený. He is considered to be a part of the „lost generation“ who were trying to re-define the function of the paintings in the mid 60s whilst keeping the distance from the contemporary international trends. In 1968 Studený exhibited a canvas with 401 real four-leaf clovers.
Kniha Erika Bindera -  Nekonečný príbeh zachytáva hravosť a nekonečnú nápaditosť jeho tvorby. Zo stoviek autorových kresieb, ktoré vznikajú len tak, akoby mimochodom, no sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou jeho tvorby, vybrala teoretička umenia Alexandra Tamasová 150 diel, ktoré do knižnej podoby pretavil vynikajúci slovensky dizajnér Paľo Bálik.
With a foreword by Paul McCartney'It's semi-devotional -- a really special place' Florence Welch'There are certain things that are mythical. Abbey Road is mythical' Nile RodgersMany people will recognise the famous zebra crossing. Some visitors may have graffitied their name on its hallowed outer walls.Others might even have managed to penetrate the iron gates.
A vibrant survey of the trends and talents across the globe fuelling street photography today and a fresh take of what street photography is and can be.
A plain speaking, jargon-free account of contemporary art that identifies key themes and approaches, providing the reader with a clear understanding of the contexts in which art is being made today. Since the 1960s contemporary art has overturned the accepted historical categorizations of what constitutes art, who creates it, and how it is represented and validated.
If you could have dinner with any artist, who would it be?Bonjour and welcome to Henri Matisse's studio at the Hotel Regina. An intimate dinner party or collage of chaos?
If you could have dinner with any artist, who would it be?
A richly illustrated, up-to-the-minute overview of new approaches in drawing, set in the context of recent developments of other forms of contemporary art.
Why are we creative? Why are we not?
Bohdan Hostiňák je výraznou maliarskou osobnosťou strednej generácie na Slovensku. Je pre neho typické zanietenie pre maľbu a kresbu, ktoré kontinuálne spracováva do tematických celkov. Žije a tvorí v Bratislave. Album autorského výberu kresieb Bohdana Hostiňáka (nar.
THE SUNDAY TIMES MUSIC BOOK OF THE YEARA TELEGRAPH BEST MUSIC BOOK OF THE YEARA NEW STATESMAN BEST BOOK OF THE YEARFaith, Hope and Carnage is a book about Nick Cave's inner life. Created from over forty hours of intimate conversations with Sean O'Hagan, it is a profoundly thoughtful exploration, in Cave's own words, of what really drives his life and creativity.