A landmark contribution to British art history, bringing together overlooked and marginalised perspectives from 'the critical decade'What is Black art and why don't we know more about it?
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Roxy Music's iconic first album with this collection of Bryan Ferry's evocative lyrics of aspiration and romantic longing, introduced by the author. Bryan Ferry's work as a singer and songwriter, both as a solo artist and with Roxy Music, is legendary.
Dnes si už sotvakto vie predstaviť, aké provokatívne boli impresionistické plátna, keď ich v roku 1874 skupinka odvážnych umelcov prvýkrát predstavila verejnosti. Zástancovia nového štýlu zavrhli všetky pravidlá umenia zaužívané v tom čase vo Francúzsku. Po stopäťdesiatich rokoch sa impresionizmus považuje za najprístupnejší a najobľúbenejší maliarsky štýl.
From legendary visual artists Yoko Ono and Tracey Emin, to groundbreaking musicians like Annie Lennox and Debbie Harry, to fashion giants such as Miuccia Prada and Diane von Furstenberg, this collection of original interviews and Polaroid photographs of almost 30 trailblazing women spans creative industries, nationalities and generations to bring together a never-before- published collection
Roughly twenty-five years after Hokusai released his series of ukiyo-e prints depicting Japan's most recognisable symbol, Hiroshige took on the subject as well-a common practice among the era's printmakers. This volume features reproductions of the horizontal version of Hiroshige's woodblock series, first published in 1852, and which reveal a mature artist working at the height of his powers.
Chickadees amid cherry blossoms, peacocks nestled in wisteria branches, sleeping owls against a moonlit night sky and majestic cranes diving in the ocean waves-these are some of the transcendent pleasures offered in this exquisite collection of plates bound in an accordion style format that honors the Japanese bookbinding tradition.
Captured in vivid colour and magnificent quality, the unique moments that photographer Stefan Forster discovers in out-of-the-way places in nature take place on adventurous backcountry trips far from civilisation, with Forster lugging up to 80 pounds in camera gear and camping equipment.
Why do we play games?
An entertaining and lively guide to rediscovering the pleasure in artHow to Enjoy Art: A Guide for Everyone provides the tools to understand and enjoy works of art. Debunking the pervasive idea that specialist knowledge is required to understand and appreciate art, instead How to Enjoy Art focuses on experience and pleasure, demonstrating how anyone can find value and enjoyment in art.
The perfect miscellany for every art lover - an essential and engaging collection of facts, figures, and findings about art, artists, and the art world, past and present This extraordinary compendium of compelling facts, figures, and findings gathers and distils obscure and fascinating information about art, artists, and the art world.
Prvá monografia sochárky Marie Bartuszovej predstavuje dielo našej najvýznamnejšej umelkyne, ktoré je objavené a zhodnotené v medzinárodnom kontexte. Očakávanou je aj pripravovaná výstava autorky v Tate Modern v Londýne v roku 2022.
Publikácia Spiace idey – Denníky Otisa Lauberta je prvým zväzkom z pripravovanej knižnej série, prostredníctvom ktorej sa výtvarník Otis Laubert (1946) rozhodol prezentovať svoje doteraz nezverejnené návrhy umeleckých diel.   Otis Laubert si už od roku 1965 zaznamenáva svoje nápady do denníkov, aby ich realizoval neskôr.
Ťažiskom tvorby Pavla Breiera je dokument a reportáž, krajina, reklamná a divadelná fotografia. Od konca 70. rokov programovo vytvára cykly z horských oblastí, tematicky zamerané na život ľudí v horách a na veľhorskú prírodu.
Franz Kafka wrote: The world can be looked upon as good only from where it was created, for only there was it said: it is good, and only from there can it be condemned and destroyed. All these photographs of the land and people were taken for someone to see. They need no explanation. It is not important what I intended my photographs to say. What is important is what those who look at them feel.
Vladimí Gažovič je dnes v slovenskej grafickej tvorbe najvýznamnejšou osobnosťou. V rokoch 1961 - 1967 študoval na Vysokej škole výtvarných umení v Bratislave u prof. Vincenta Hložníka. V roku 1969 - 1970 bol štipendistom Herderovej ceny na Akadémii výtvarných umení vo Viedni u prof. Maximiliana Melchera.
Working as a journalist, I have come to understand that what goes on behind the scenes is very often more interesting than the “main stage” of events. I mean the involuntary gestures, the ambiguous situations perhaps hard to understand, which I am convinced reveal at certain moments something spontaneous and inimitable.
This monograph covers the full scope of Impressionist painting. It outlines the history of Impressionism in France, addressing not only the work of the acknowledged masters, but also that of such unjustly neglected artists as Bazille, Caillebotte, Berthe Morisot or Lucien Pissarro.
Claude Monet (1840–1926) was both the most typical and the most individual painter associated with the Impressionist movement. His long life and extraordinary work were dedicated to a pictorial exploration of the sensations which reality, and in particular landscape, offer the human eye.
The works of René Magritte (1898 – 1967) and the ideas that underlie them are a special case both in the history of modern art and in surrealist painting. In the search for the “mystery” in which things and organisms are enveloped, Magritte created pictures which, taking everyday reality as their starting point, were to follow a different logic from that to which we are accustomed.
Fotograf a publicista Andrej Bán v knihe Kosovo ponúka pohľad na ľudí a krajinu, ktorá prechádza ťažkými skúškami. Kosovo (Kosovská republika) je od roku 1999 pod administratívnou správou OSN, o bezpečnosť sa stará NATO a policajnú a súdnu misiu zabezpečuje Európska únia EULEX.