

František Studený

František Studený

Kolektív autorov - Nitrianska Galéria , EAN: 9788056659922

Prvú monografiu maliara Františka Studeného pripravila Nitrianska galéria v spolupráci s Vydavateľstvom SLOVART. Publikácia sa pokúša o doteraz najkomplexnejší pohľad na dielo a život autora, zároveň je i prehodnotením inštitucionálnych dejín a vzťahu Nitrianskej galérie k umelcovi.

26,31 € Detail
Christo and Jeanne-Claude. L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped

Christo and Jeanne-Claude. L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped

Lorenza Giovanelli, Jonathan William Henery - TASCHEN , EAN: 9783836579520

1961, three years after meeting Jeanne-Claude in Paris, Christo made a study of a mammoth project that would wrap one of the city's most emblematic monuments. 60 years, 25,000 square meters of recyclable fabric, and 3,000 meters of rope later, the artists' vision finally came true.

27,50 € Detail
Ladislav Čarný

Ladislav Čarný

Jana Geržová, Daniela Čarná, Juraj Čarný - Kruh súčasného umenia Profil , EAN: 9788096828326

Monografia Ladislava Čarného je, podobne ako jeho tvorba, procesuálnym, živým dielom. Veď ako na papier preniesť zážitok napríklad zo svetelnej inštalácie maľovanej fosforom na steny trnavskej synagógy, ktorej podstatou je fyzická prítomnosť diváka a jeho mentálna spoluúčasť na tvorbe diela?

35,11 € Detail
Star Wars - The Smuggler's Guide

Star Wars - The Smuggler's Guide

Daniel Wallace - TITAN BOOKS , EAN: 9781789092622

The lengths to which the underworld will go for a legendary prize is unparalleled. What started as a simple logbook with a piece of valuable information was soon stolen, traded, and smuggled around the outer rim and shady ports.

17,16 € Detail
Bruegel. The Complete Works

Bruegel. The Complete Works

Jürgen Müller, Thomas Schauerte - TASCHEN , EAN: 9783836583619

Discover the complete works of Pieter Bruegel the Elder, the most significant artist of Flemish Renaissance painting. This XL monograph gathers all 40 paintings, 65 drawings, and 89 engravings—each piece a unique witness to both the religious mores and the close-knit folk culture of Bruegel’s time.

82,50 € Detail
Flip the Script

Flip the Script

J. Griffith Rollefson - The University of Chicago Press , EAN: 9780226496214

Hip hop has long been a vehicle for protest in the United States, used by its primarily African American creators to address issues of prejudice, repression, and exclusion. But the music is now a worldwide phenomenon, and outside the United States it has been taken up by those facing similar struggles.

38,95 € Detail
Maria Bartuszová - Catalogue Raisonné (GB)
Novinka anglický

Maria Bartuszová - Catalogue Raisonné (GB)

Gabriela Garlatyová - SLOVART , EAN: 9788057041863

“My breath is a part of the universe pulsating.” Czech-born Slovak sculptor Maria Bartuszová (1936 – 1996) studied at the Ceramics and Porcelain Studio at Prague’s Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, and spent most of her life in Košice, Slovakia.

69,52 € Detail
Understanding a Photograph

Understanding a Photograph

John Berger - PENGUIN , EAN: 9780141392028

John Berger's writings on photography are some of the most original of the twentieth century. This selection contains many groundbreaking essays and previously uncollected pieces written for exhibitions and catalogues in which Berger probes the work of photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and W.

13,50 € Detail


Marek Ormandík, Milan Lasica - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788056658437

Táto nádherná knižka prináša sugestívne obrazy mladého výtvarníka Mareka Ormandíka, komentované múdrymi, vtipnými textami Milana Lasicu.

19,95 € Detail


Milan Lasica, Marek Ormandík - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788056658338

„Peter Lipa spieva moje texty tak, ako keby si ich sám napísal," hovorí Milan Lasica. Počas vyše tridsaťročnej spolupráce oboch autorov ich Lipa naspieval viac ako päťdesiat. Prosperita, Valutový cudzinec, Balada o štyroch koňoch patria v tomto výbere piesňových textov Milana Lasicu k najznámejším.

17,56 € Detail
Book of Days

Book of Days

Patti Smith - Bloomsbury Publishing , EAN: 9781526650986

A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith's singular aesthetic - inspired by her wildly popular InstagramIn 2018, without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message "Hello Everybody!

38,44 € Detail
Návrat späť (Huszár T.)

Návrat späť (Huszár T.)

Tibor Huszár - SLOVART , EAN: 9788096965663

Pri zrode tejto knihy stála veľmi zá správa. Rakovina hrubého čreva. Dobrou správou pre mňa a pre celé ľudstov je zasa skutočnosť, že stále žijem. Môj prípad dáva nádej mnohým ľuďom dobrej vôle a svedčí o tom, že sa oplatí nepodľahnúť čaru volania z diaľky a vytrvať v dennom úsilí o pokračovanie života.

13,11 € Detail
The Polaroid Book. 40th Ed.

The Polaroid Book. 40th Ed.

Barbara Hitchcock - TASCHEN , EAN: 9783836591997

The unique tones and spontaneity of Polaroids have made them a beloved photographic format for decades. Brimming with all the warmth and nostalgia of a family album, this ode to the instant camera presents hundreds of images from thePolaroid Corporation’s own collection. A chronicle of the experimental and innovative ways Polaroids have defied the digital age.

27,50 € Detail
Maľba SK

Maľba SK

Kolektív autorov - SLOVART , EAN: 9788055656946

Zámerom projektu Maľba SK je priblížiť významové kontexty súčasnej slovenskej maľby a predstaviť jej vývoj po roku 2000, ktorý editorka publikácie Zora Rusinová vníma ako „určitý predel po prechodnom období nasledujúcom po roku 1989, keď sme maľbu ešte ,pyšneʻ viac-menej vytláčali na okraj, ako čosi prežité, a teda mimo nových trendov, aktuálnych

60,72 € Detail
Rock on Film

Rock on Film

Fred Goodman - Running Press , EAN: 9780762478439

When the use of Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock" turned 1955's Blackboard Jungle into a teen sensation and a box-office smash, it proved the opening shot in a cinematic and cultural revolution.

39,95 € Detail
Lore Olympus: Volume Two

Lore Olympus: Volume Two

Rachel Smythe - DEL REY 2022, EAN: 9781529150476

Witness what the gods do after dark in the second volume of a stylish and contemporary reimagining of one of the best-known stories in Greek mythology from creator Rachel Smythe.'It's easy to see why the internet has fallen in love with Lore Olympus. This dazzling interpretation of the classic Greek myths is as charming as it is provocative.

16,28 € Detail
Italy 1900. A Portrait in Color

Italy 1900. A Portrait in Color

Giovanni Fanelli - TASCHEN 2022, EAN: 9783836591973

Discover the rapturous charms and historical grounds of newly formed Italy in this fascinating collection of photochromes and vintage colored prints from the turn of the century. Through Venice, Rome, Pisa, Florence, Naples, Vesuvius, Lake Como, and beyon

65,95 € Detail
Sochár Milan Ormandík

Sochár Milan Ormandík

Zuzana Gažíková, Ľudovít Petránsky - Spoločnosť Kolomana Sokola , EAN: 9788097004996

Milan Ormandík, absolvent tzv. Kostkovej školy, tvorí v oblasti komornej a monumentálnej plastiky. Od skončenia vysokoškolského štúdia žije a pôsobí v Kremnici. Milan Ormandík je figuralista, v ktorého plastikách sa striedajú biblické a mytologické témy s literárnymi impulzmi a osobné zážitky i predstavy zase s údelom človeka odsúdeného na slobodu.

17,56 € Detail


Roland Penrose - THAMES & HUDSON , EAN: 9780500204795

A new edition of this classic survey on the life and work of Spanish surrealist, Joan Miro, by his close friend, historian and fellow artist Roland Penrose. Among the great 20th-century masters, the surrealist painter Joan Miro stands out for the atmosphere of wit and spontaneity that pervades his work.

17,56 € Detail
Dark Desert Highway

Dark Desert Highway

Mick Wall - Trapeze , EAN: 9781409190707

'This could be heaven or this could be hell...'So sings Don Henley on their biggest hit, 'Hotel California', yet for The Eagles their story was one where the dividing line between ultimate Hollywood highs and subterranean LA lows was blurred beyond recognition, blinded by white-powdered double-visions and buried beneath greenback mountains.

17,56 € Detail