



Dan Nadel, Thomas Crow, Clare Lilley, Jason Schmidt - Phaidon Press Ltd , EAN: 9781838665418

The definitive study of the works of KAWS, one of the most influential and much-loved forces in contemporry art and culture.KAWS is one of the most popular and recognizable contemporary artists, whose reach extends far beyond the art world into the realms of fashion, music, and popular culture at large.

51,95 € Detail


neznámy autor - Monacelli Press , EAN: 9781580936507

Based on the blockbuster 2022 solo show in London, KAWS: New Fiction documents the groundbreaking, multi-layered exhibition that presented the artist's new and recent works in physical and augmented reality.

45,95 € Detail
My Slovakia

My Slovakia

Filip Kulisev - SLOVART , EAN: 9788097333959

Traveler and photographer Filip Kulisev, Master QEP, FBIPP, has over the past decade become one of the world’s foremost photographers of natural scenery. In his twelfth book, My Slovakia, he returns to his native country and showcases its many places of remarkable natural beauty. Slovakia highlights its beauty and natural, cultural and historical treasures in many ways.

30,71 € Detail
My Slovakia - Limited Edition

My Slovakia - Limited Edition

Filip Kulisev - SLOVART , EAN: 9788097333966

Traveler and photographer Filip Kulisev, Master QEP, FBIPP, has over the past decade become one of the world’s foremost photographers of natural scenery. In his twelfth book, My Slovakia, he returns to his native country and showcases its many places of remarkable natural beauty. Slovakia highlights its beauty and natural, cultural and historical treasures in many ways.

60,72 € Detail
Moje Slovensko

Moje Slovensko

Filip Kulisev - SLOVART , EAN: 9788097333935

Cestovateľ a fotograf Filip Kulisev, Master QEP, FBIPP, sa za uplynulé desaťročie prepracoval do svetovej špičky vo fotografovaní prírodných scenérií. Vo svojej dvanástej knihe Moje Slovensko sa venuje rodnej krajine a jej pozoruhodným miestam, ktorými priam oplýva. Slovensko má mnoho podôb, ktoré zvýrazňujú krásu jeho prírodného, kultúrneho i historického bohatstva.

30,71 € Detail
Moje Slovensko - Limitovaná edícia

Moje Slovensko - Limitovaná edícia

Filip Kulisev - SLOVART , EAN: 9788097333942

Cestovateľ a fotograf Filip Kulisev, Master QEP, FBIPP, sa za uplynulé desaťročie prepracoval do svetovej špičky vo fotografovaní prírodných scenérií. Vo svojej dvanástej knihe Moje Slovensko sa venuje rodnej krajine a jej pozoruhodným miestam, ktorými priam oplýva. Slovensko má mnoho podôb, ktoré zvýrazňujú krásu jeho prírodného, kultúrneho i historického bohatstva.

60,72 € Detail
Love and Let Die

Love and Let Die

John Higgs - Weidenfeld & Nicolson , EAN: 9781399600170

Dr No, the first Bond film, and Love Me Do, the first Beatles record, were released on the same day. Most countries can only dream of creating a phenomenon on this scale; Britain produced two on one windy October afternoon.

14,95 € Detail
Magical World - Dušan Kállay

Magical World - Dušan Kállay

Beata Havelská - SLOVART , EAN: 9788071459118

Expressed in prints, paintings and drawings, Kállay’s metaphors of our fate assume the viewer’s fresh powers of unrestrained imagination.

87,60 € Detail
Book of Earth

Book of Earth

Heidi Gustafson - Abrams , EAN: 9781419764653

Art meets science in this guide to creating color with earth's extraordinary pigments and understanding their uses throughout historyPart anthropological study, part art book, and part how-to, Book of Earth immerses you in the world of ochre, a naturally occurring mineral used to make pigment. Each chapter explores Gustafson's rare pigment archive and provides a thorough exploration of color.

34,95 € Detail
The Art of Kinfolk : An Iconic Lens on Life and Style

The Art of Kinfolk : An Iconic Lens on Life and Style

neznámy autor - Artisan , EAN: 9781648293061

With over 650,000 copies of their books in print and nearly 50 issues of their magazine distributed worldwide, Kinfolk has come to define the taste of a generation: From interiors to fashion, portraiture, food and travel, the consistently boundary-pushing photography produced by the brand has coalesced into one of the most influential and immersive lifestyle aesthetics of the last decade.

73,88 € Detail


David Byrne - Canongate Books , EAN: 9781786899507

For over thirty years, besides making music, David Byrne has focused his unique genius upon forms as diverse as the archaeology of music as we know it, architectural photography and the uses of PowerPoint. Now he presents his most personal work to date, a collection of drawings exploring the form of the tree diagram.

24,95 € Detail
Jana Ilková. Diary

Jana Ilková. Diary

Eduard Kudláč - SLOVART , EAN: 9788055660882

Jana Ilková (1978) je fotografkou v klasickom zmysle tohto slova. Jej snímky zo série Diary (od roku 2018 - ) sú rôznorodou zmesou motívov z každodenného života. Motívov, ktoré sú na prvý pohľad banálne a neatraktívne. Ilková pracuje so snapshotovou estetikou a často využíva priame bleskové svetlo, ktoré odhaľuje všetky chyby a nedostatky.

21,91 € Detail
Martin Vongrej. Váha vědomí / The Weight of Consciousness

Martin Vongrej. Váha vědomí / The Weight of Consciousness

Petr Ingerle - SLOVART , EAN: 9788055661568

Martin Vongrej (1986) v současnosti reprezentuje patrně nejstrukturovanější podobu vizuální tvorby na Slovensku. Ve svých dílech se snaží obsáhnout liminální prostor mezi myšlenkovou spekulací a konceptuálně-minimalistickou estetikou; kombinuje vizualitu se subjektivně pojatou filozofickou rovinou.

21,91 € Detail
Som dieťa 60. rokov

Som dieťa 60. rokov

Michal Studený - SLOVART , EAN: 9788088805069

Komplexná monografia slovenského výtvarníka Michala Studeného. Je považovaný za súčasť „stratenej generácie“, ktorá sa v polovici 60. rokov snažila nanovo definovať funkciu obrazov, pričom si držala odstup od súčasných medzinárodných trendov.V roku 1968 Studený vystavil plátno so 401 skutočnými štvorlístkami.

50,16 € Detail
I am a child of the sixties / Studený M.

I am a child of the sixties / Studený M.

Michal Studený - SLOVART , EAN: 9788088805076

A comprehensive monography of a Slovak artist Michal Studený. He is considered to be a part of the „lost generation“ who were trying to re-define the function of the paintings in the mid 60s whilst keeping the distance from the contemporary international trends. In 1968 Studený exhibited a canvas with 401 real four-leaf clovers.

50,16 € Detail
Erik Binder

Erik Binder

Alexandra Tamásová - WHITE & WEISS , EAN: 9788089789054

Kniha Erika Bindera -  Nekonečný príbeh zachytáva hravosť a nekonečnú nápaditosť jeho tvorby. Zo stoviek autorových kresieb, ktoré vznikajú len tak, akoby mimochodom, no sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou jeho tvorby, vybrala teoretička umenia Alexandra Tamasová 150 diel, ktoré do knižnej podoby pretavil vynikajúci slovensky dizajnér Paľo Bálik.

39 € Detail
Abbey Road

Abbey Road

David Hepworth - PENGUIN , EAN: 9781529177251

With a foreword by Paul McCartney'It's semi-devotional -- a really special place' Florence Welch'There are certain things that are mythical. Abbey Road is mythical' Nile RodgersMany people will recognise the famous zebra crossing. Some visitors may have graffitied their name on its hallowed outer walls.Others might even have managed to penetrate the iron gates.

19,19 € Detail
Dinner with Matisse
Novinka anglický

Dinner with Matisse

neznámy autor - SLOVART , EAN: 9781760762728

If you could have dinner with any artist, who would it be?Bonjour and welcome to Henri Matisse's studio at the Hotel Regina. An intimate dinner party or collage of chaos?

19,95 € Detail
Dinner with Frida
Novinka anglický

Dinner with Frida

Iratxe Lopez de Munain - Thames and Hudson (Australia) Pty Ltd , EAN: 9781760762933

If you could have dinner with any artist, who would it be?

19,95 € Detail
The Dialectic of Creativity

The Dialectic of Creativity

neznámy autor - Hatje Cantz , EAN: 9783775752923

Why are we creative? Why are we not?

32,52 € Detail