Klenotom najstaršej slovenskej diecézy – hradu a bazilike - svoju knihu Kolíska kresťanstva na Slovensku: Nitriansky hrad a katedrála sv. Emeráma v premenách času venoval kolektív autorov (Viliam Judák, Štefan Vallo, Ladislav Belás, Jozef Holka, Ivan Kiko, Vladimír Plekanec, Peter Bednár, Jozef Medvecký a ďalší). Predstavil ju reštaurátor Vladimír Plekanec.
In this richly illustrated work, which originated on the precious anniversary of the arrival of our missionaries St. Constantine - Cyril and St. Methodius as well as on the occasion of the general repair of the Cathedral's interior, individual authors provide us with enriching views of the valuable Cathedral where the relics of St. Constantine - Cyril are housed and worshipped.