
Pop-up Workshop for Kids: Fold, Cut, Paint and Glue

Pop-up Workshop for Kids: Fold, Cut, Paint and Glue

Antje von Stemm - Hoaki 2020, EAN: 9788417656225

This publication shows step by step, in a fun and entertaining way, how to make your own three-dimensional works of art on paper. It's hard not to give in to the magic of pop-up books. Everyone, adults and children, we can not stop marveling each time we turn a page and suddenly something is built in three dimensions before our eyes. "How difficult it must be to do this," thought most of us.

19,35 € Detail
New Tattoo Artists

New Tattoo Artists

Mariona Cabassa Cortes - Hoaki , EAN: 9788417656959

Artists from disciplines commonly seen as far removed from tattooing embrace it with a different look and approach.

29,50 € Detail
Wildflower Watercolour: Recognizing and Painting Nature

Wildflower Watercolour: Recognizing and Painting Nature

Ga?tane Nicoulin-B?chir - Hoaki , EAN: 9788419220752

An inspiring guide for learning to recognise and paint the beauty of wild flowers and the untamed nature that surrounds us. The author, Gaëtane Nicoulin-Béchir, apassionate watercolourist and lover of nature, teaches you in this inspiringhow-to book how to recognise and paint wildflowers that grow naturally infields and meadows as you learn step-by step different watercolour techniques.

21,95 € Detail