Autor: Zuzana Poláčková
Vydavateľstvo: VEDA 2017
EAN: 9788022415736
In this collective monograph we have contributions on Poland, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Roma minority, the question of civic and ethnic nationalism, the phenomenon of antisemitism, and on the theoretical and perhaps practical possibility of Christianity being a way to help achieve a greater measure of interethnic and ethnopolitical peace.
čítať viacVeselý Arnošt, Dzúrová Dagmar
Univerzita Karlova 2011 13,40 €Iveta Palečková
Professional Publishing 2018 16,83 €Zoltán Imre, Dariusz Kosiński
Divadelny ustav - SK 2018 10 €Koldinská, Štefko Martin, Kristina
Auditorium 2010 10,34 €In this collective monograph we have contributions on Poland, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Roma minority, the question of civic and ethnic nationalism, the phenomenon of antisemitism, and on the theoretical and perhaps practical possibility of Christianity being a way to help achieve a greater measure of interethnic and ethnopolitical peace. When we look back at the nine chapters presented in this volume, we observe that there are notable differences between various minority issues and bettween the different countries discussed. But there are also aspects which these countries and their problems share in common. Central and Eastern Europe are known for their long-standing national-minority problems and the historical antagonisms between different nations or national groups. The chapters have highlighted both old and new aspects of the minority problem.