Autor: Ilona Švihlíková, Sylwia Zechowska, Peter Terem
Vydavateľstvo: Professional Publishing 2013
EAN: 9788074311222
On one hand, Hungary´s current economic problems have been determined by the economic policies of individual governments, and on the other hand, by external exonomic influences. Economically, Hungary led the V4 countries at the turn of the 21st century.
čítať viacAdriana Vasiľková, Ján Koper
Professional Publishing 2013 4,19 €Jiří Večerník
Academia 2009 16,45 €Gabriel Hulkó, Cyril Belavý, Pavol Noga
STU 2014 15,06 €On one hand, Hungary´s current economic problems have been determined by the economic policies of individual governments, and on the other hand, by external exonomic influences. Economically, Hungary led the V4 countries at the turn of the 21st century. The absence of necessary reforms during the Socialist administrations led to docreased economic growth, increased spending in the state budget, budget deficits and state debt. These negative tendencies were intensified by the global financial and economic crisis in 2009. Thus out of all the V4 countries, Hungary was affected by these events most. The European Union´s attitude towards Hungary and its some political activities, both with respect to the constitution and certain laws, is quite critical. It would seem necessary to renew mutual trust betwen Hungary and the European Union. Of course, this will require implementing certain measure in line with the generally accepted principles of politics, protecting citizens´ rights, keeping distance from nationalism in any form, and adhering to a transparent and reliable economic policy.