The textbook Life Vision Intermediate Student Book with e-book (SK edition) is mainly intended for work in the classroom, while the tasks from Online Practice can be worked on by students mainly at home, either as homework or independent practice of learning. The printed form of the textbook is excellent for those students who like to work with the textbook.
The Life Vision innovation is aimed at acquiring language and communication skills in English, which are a condition for passing English exams as international exams. The vocabulary and content is also oriented towards practical use in work and private life after school.
Life Vision Intermediate Workbook with Online Practice (Slovak edition) contains: Tasks and exercises for language skills, grammar, vocabulary and the development of Global Skills Vocabulary Booster and How to learn vocabulary – exercises in addition to each lesson to develop vocabulary and strategies on how to acquire the given vocabulary effectively Review - summary
Life Vision Pre-Intermediate Workbook with Online Practice (Slovak edition) contains: Tasks and exercises for language skills, grammar, vocabulary and the development of Global Skills Vocabulary Booster and How to learn vocabulary – exercises in addition to each lesson to develop vocabulary and strategies on how to acquire the given vocabulary effectively Review – summary
Učebnica predstavuje v koncentrovanej podobe povahu, znaky a vybraných predstaviteľov či predstaviteľky najaktuálnejších podôb právneho myslenia. Prináša tak príležitosť oboznámiť sa s kritickými prístupmi skúmania práva, ktoré prekračujú rámec tradičnej, modernej či dogmatickej právnej vedy.
„Kdyby se všichni tiskaři rozhodli, že budou tisknout jen to, co nemůže nikoho urazit, nemohlo by vyjít téměř nic.“ Benjamin Franklin, 1731 O kterém románu se říká, že někoho přiměl k vraždě? Proč se kdysi na německých školách nesmělo učit o Pohádkách bratří Grimmů? Která kniha o cenzuře cenzorům vadila nejvíc?