Bird guide I a II, is a recherche and a collection of texts from classical mythology related to concrete bird species, which artist's aunt, a professor of ornithology Zora Feriancová Masárová helped to identify. These species of birds are freely distributed, but this guide introduces them as if they were a human invention. Their existence began only as a myth.
Kniha má cca 150 strán a možno ju vnímať ako umelecký objekt. Je súčasťou epického celku, ktorý preberá a voľne interpretuje Linného taxonomický systém. Tiež je druhým pokračovaním prvej úspešnej edície Vol I Family vydanej londýnskym zinovým nakladateľstvom Eros Press. Delenie a obrazová nádveznosť je na rozdiel od prvého dielu linerárnej kompozície vertikálne.
This is the first volume in a series of books by Slovak artist Petra Feriancová involving the contemplation of associations between images drawn from the authors substantial archive. In this volume they navigate between ideas of reproduction and maternity in the animal and plant kingdoms, as well as in our own society.
Petra Feriancova, born in Bratislava (former czechoslovakia in 77), works with the intention of post-production. The key moment of her work is the conceptualisation of her own emotional reactions to the processes of perception and memory, as well as an examination of the conditions under which they are shared.
This publication i a consequence of Petra Feriancová's exhibition: Systems, Individuals and Measuring Tools at Sant Nicolau chapel, Bólit, centre d'art contemporani, Girona 23.9-22.12.2016
Against Light - Creator - Almost Venice - Views - Still the Same Place - According to Ruskin - Repetition - Water - Movement