

Putin vs. the People

Putin vs. the People

Samuel A. Greene, Graeme B. Robertson - YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS , EAN: 9780300268362

A fascinating, bottom-up exploration of contemporary Russian politics that sheds new light on why Putin's grip on power is more fragile than we think "Putin v. the People wrestles with perhaps the central conundrum of contemporary Russia: the endurance of support for Putin amid deepening disillusionment with the present and pessimism about the future.

18,95 € Detail
The Globalization Myth

The Globalization Myth

Shannon K O'Neil - YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS , EAN: 9780300248975

A case for why regionalization, not globalization, has been the biggest economic trend of the past forty years The conventional wisdom about globalization is wrong. Over the past forty years as companies, money, ideas, and people went abroad more often than not, they looked regional rather than globally.

28,95 € Detail
The Modem World

The Modem World

Kevin Driscoll - YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS , EAN: 9780300248142

The untold story about how the internet became social, and why this matters for its future "A great book for anyone who wants to understand the early days of online communications."-Preston Gralla, Arts Fuse Fifteen years before the commercialization of the internet, millions of amateurs across North America created more than 100,000 small-scale computer networks.

31,50 € Detail
A Good and Dignified Life

A Good and Dignified Life

Joke J Hermsen - YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS , EAN: 9780300259254

A timely and provocative essay about the parallel lives of Rosa Luxemburg and Hannah Arendt and their mission for a more humane society "[A] short but moving book . . .Even better, the volume's advice is not only pragmatically political-necessary during a time of threats to democracy and mounting failures to deal with the climate crisis-but modestly uplifting.

16,68 € Detail
The Tao of Pooh 40th Anniversary Gift Edition

The Tao of Pooh 40th Anniversary Gift Edition

Benjamin Hoff - Farshore , EAN: 9780008529543

"What's this you're writing?... asked Pooh, climbing onto the writing table. "The Tao of Pooh,...I replied. "The how of Pooh?... asked Pooh, smudging one of the words I had just written."The Tao of Pooh,... I replied, poking his paw away with my pencil. "It seems more like ow!

27,44 € Detail
Adrift : 100 Charts that Reveal Why America is on the Brink of Change

Adrift : 100 Charts that Reveal Why America is on the Brink of Change

Scott Galloway - Portfolio Penguin , EAN: 9780593542408

From bestselling author and NYU business school professor Scott Galloway comes an urgent examination of the future of our nation - and how we got here. We are only just beginning to reckon with our post-pandemic future.

31,64 € Detail


Matthew Dennison - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788055656885

Pre milióny ľudí na celom svete je britská kráľovná Alžbeta II. stelesnením monarchie. Na trón nastúpila v roku 1952 a tento rok oslávila platinové jubileum, vládne teda dlhšie než ktorýkoľvek iný žijúci panovník. Jej panovanie zahŕňa takmer celé povojnové dejiny Británie − od čias pred veľkou hospodárskou krízou tridsiatych rokov 20.

26,31 € Detail


neznámy autor - Stolpe Publishing , EAN: 9789189069770

Historians and theorists explore the anthropology and history of war Originating from the Engelsberg Seminar of 2015, this anthology gathers texts from internationally renowned historians, journalists, researchers and authors exploring war as both a creator and destroyer of states, from early civilization to the present day.

26,50 € Detail
The Gun, the Ship and the Pen

The Gun, the Ship and the Pen

Linda Colley - PROFILE BOOKS , EAN: 9781846684982

'If there were a Nobel Prize in History, Colley would be my nominee' Jill Lepore, New Yorker'One of the most exciting historians of her generation, but also one of the most interesting writers of non-fiction around' - William Dalrymple, Guardian'Colley takes you on intellectual journeys you wouldn't think to take on your own, and when you arrive you wonder that you never did it before' - David

14,95 € Detail
Život Ježiša Krista

Život Ježiša Krista (História, politológia, náboženstvo)

Kolektív autorov - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788055656441

Kniha prináša výber textov z evanjelií zachytávajúcich život a skutky Ježiša Krista od jeho narodenia až po ukrižovanie a zmŕtvychvstanie. Texty vychádzajú v ekumenickom preklade a dopĺňa ich vyše 80 kvalitných reprodukcií významných diel starých majstrov.

13,16 € Detail
Jeleň v Paríži

Jeleň v Paríži

Jana Mainguet Bukovinová - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788055657745

Jeleň v Paríži opisuje príbeh, ktorý sa naozaj stal. Je to príbeh kaviarne, ktorú si v Paríži autorka knihy otvorila a niekoľko rokov úspešne prevádzkovala. Zaznamenáva príbehy ľudí, čo v kaviarni pracovali a zanechali v nej svoju stopu, ale i príbehy hostí, susedov, priateľov, ktorí vstúpili nielen do života kaviarňe, ale aj jej majiteľky.

12,28 € Detail
Tvár v zrkadle

Tvár v zrkadle

Ján Štrasser - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788055657011

Tentoraz si spisovateľ Ján Štrasser zvolil pre svoju knihu rozhovorov netypického respondenta - seba. Ako už samotný názov napovedá, ide o dialogickú knihu spomienok na detstvo, na dospievanie, na časy štúdia, na zamestnania, ktorými prechádzal, na ľudí, ktorých v živote stretol. Dôležitou súčasťou Štrasserovho spomínania je jeho literárna práca.

13,16 € Detail
Hasta la vista komunista

Hasta la vista komunista (História, politológia, náboženstvo)

Kolektív autorov - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788056659526

Po brutálnom zásahu komunistických bezpečnostných zložiek proti študentskému pochodu, organizovanému pri príležitosti Medzinárodného dňa študentstva 17. novembra 1989 v Prahe, začali na slovenských vysokých školách spontánne vznikať štrajkové výbory.

17,56 € Detail
Ohrozené rastliny Tatier

Ohrozené rastliny Tatier

Milan Zajac , Mario Duchoň - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788055653020

Prijmite pozvanie do fascinujúceho sveta tatranských rastlín, ktoré svojou krásou a vzácnosťou patria ku klenotom našej krajiny. Kniha je výsledkom 7-ročnej práce autorov ochranárov a predstavuje ucelené dielo dokumentujúce ohrozenú tatranskú flóru.

35,11 € Detail
Miro Žbirka Zblízka

Miro Žbirka Zblízka

Honza Vedral - SLOVART 2022, EAN: 9788055657875

Nové vydanie životopisu výnimočnej osobnosti slovenskej populárnej hudby. Autor Honza Vedral príbeh talentovaného umelca doplnil oniekoľko kapitol - tých posledných. Kniha je osobným príbehom talentovaného umelca a autentickým príbehom o začiatkoch a vývine slovenského popu.

15,80 € Detail
The New Nomads

The New Nomads

Felix Marquardt - Simon & Schuster Ltd 2022, EAN: 9781471177408

Why the new nomad and an increase in migration is the best way to help the planet to prosper.

12,95 € Detail
On Writing Well

On Writing Well

William Zinsser - HarperCollins , EAN: 9780060891541

"On Writing Well is a bible for a generation of writers looking for clues to clean, compelling prose." New York Times A beloved classic, this definitive volume on the art of writing nonfiction celebrates its thirtieth anniversary.

18,95 € Detail
The Artful Edit

The Artful Edit

Susan Bell - WW Norton & Co , EAN: 9780393332179

The Artful Edit explores the many-faceted and often misunderstood-or simply overlooked-art of editing. The book brims with examples, quotes, and case studies, including an illuminating discussion of Max Perkins's editorial collaboration with F. Scott Fitzgerald on The Great Gatsby.

14,95 € Detail
Cheap Speech

Cheap Speech

Richard L. Hasen - YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS , EAN: 9780300259377

An informed and practical road map for controlling disinformation, embracing free speech, saving American elections, and protecting democracy "Hasen puts forth a number of solid recommendations on how to combat disinformation."-Richard Stengel, New York Times "Hasen has written an extraordinary, thorough and fair examination of the impact of misinformation on democracy.

24,95 € Detail
Binge Times

Binge Times

Dade Hayes, Dawn Chmielewski - WILLIAM MORROW & COMPANY , EAN: 9780062980007

The first comprehensive account of the biggest wake-up call in the history of the entertainment business: the pivot to streaming. Go inside a disparate group of media and tech companies -- Disney, Apple, AT&T/WarnerMedia, Comcast/NBCUniversal and well-funded startup Quibi - as they scramble to mount multi-billion-dollar challenges to Netflix.

24,50 € Detail